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Day 7 - Win conditions and AI

Robot Racers RL
A downloadable game

Well, I have one more day in the challenge, and I think I'm in a good position to make it.  I have until 10:15 PM tomorrow (Friday) to finish, and I only have a couple of things left to consider it a complete game.

Today went well, I was able to knock a few things off the list.  The game is winnable now, in that there is a win condition that you can hit.  First robot to the flag wins!  I also added limited instructions, so that you can't always use whatever you want, which adds to the challenge.  Finally, I got the robot AI almost working, which included laying the groundwork for movement previewing which I hope to add tomorrow.

The AI currently tries 40 different random sets of instructions, then picks the one that ends with it closest to the goal.  Unfortunately, it still struggles to actually touch the flag, even though it has no trouble getting close.  I'll have to tweak that tomorrow to make it actually competitive.

Tomorrow, I need to finish up the AI, then add in at least a few more levels.  Right now there is only one level, and it gets a bit boring after a while.  The levels are data driven, so it won't be difficult to create them.  Unfortunately, I didn't have random level creation in scope for the week, so I've got to do all that manually.

If I have time after getting both of those items done, I'll move onto some of my stretch goals, such as the movement previewing and additional board elements.  I might even get lasers in, which will add some extra drama!


  • Robot Racers 1 MB
    Mar 06, 2020
Download Robot Racers RL
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