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BICS ver.1.3 Overview

Bull in a china shop
A browser game made in HTML5

BICS ver.1.3:: The third complete build of the game, including 10 levels, sound effects and a very simple highest-scorer display.

Records of issue resolutions:

  • Reformatted canvas after replacing temporary assets from Breakout tutorial ,so the sizes of the canvas was expanded by 3 times of the original. Fixed resolution of texts by resizing them via their font size and not the scale of the text.
  • Changed the Render Mode from Screen Space- Overlay to World Space in relation to Main Camera so that it is easier to see where the UI was being placed.
  • Added feedback to teach players that they should avoid hitting things in the form of red tint and negative text.  Involved timers to stop rendering collider first, give time to show the block turning red and play the audio, then deleting the object. Eventually added text to support the tutorial.
  • Used DontDestroyOnLoad() for storing total player score, plus use of a Bool to check if level was restarted in order to add back the score for that level into total score. The Bool was called in another script whenever the restart button is used, and I used OnLevelLoad() on the total score tracker for a specific string of scenes that is loaded to make sure the restarted scene was one of the levels and not the menu screen and other misc scenes.
  • Added additional UI inputs beyond OnClick() so that every mouse button press has a corresponding Keyboard input. Also provided a bool for the enabling and disabling of all these keyboard inputs depending on current scene.
  • Edited the Wording of the score display several times to make it clearer that having less score is a penalty. Similarly, added fail state for reaching $00 in any level to punish those who hit too many blocks.
  • Shifted some block render-orders so the penalty text can show up in front of other blocks that are behind the destroyed block.
  • Increased sizes of countdown so that it will be hopefully more obvious to players that it causes the end of level. Eventually added text to the transition scenes to explicitly state that the timer ran out. That will hopefully make sure all players knows about the timer by the second level.
  • Ver.1.2:: Edited total score counter to reflect the new number of levels in the game.
  • Ver.1.3:: Edited size of font used in introduction scene so that the full length of the text can be seen.

Records of unsuccessful resolutions:

  • Had trouble with changing the background of the dropdown so the final level select bar is the default. (Learnt online the best way to customise the dropdown UI is to make your own dropdown.
  • Colour issue with changing the bull to have a  green tint because the g in the rgba-255 format was simply not working for a while. Still unsure what was wrong. In the end, had to use the Rgba-1.0 format, which worked.
  • First attempts at storing a string of high scores using PlayPrefs failed miserably. Good news is, I managed to get a simpler version, also using PlayerPrefs, for just the Highest scorer.


  • BICS web 5 MB
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  • BICS web 5 MB
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  • BICS web 5 MB
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  • BICS web ver 5 MB
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  • BICS web 7 MB
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