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Day 6 - Movement and Conveyor Belts

Robot Racers RL
A downloadable game

Today went pretty well, and I was able to get a couple different milestones done.  First, the robots actually move about the map now!  They will be blocked by walls, and push each other if they get in the way.  The robot you are controlling (there is a choice at the start of the level) will act according to your program, the other(s) will just select a program at random.

Second, the conveyor belts work!  When all robots have ended a particular instruction phase, the conveyors will push robots one square in the direction of the arrow.  This took a surprising amount of logic to figure out, since conveyors won't push robots into other robots, and if more than one robot is being pushed into the same space neither should move.

I've uploaded the current working version of the game, if anyone wants to try it out!

I've got two afternoons/evenings left before the end of the challenge (for me) at 10:15 PM on Friday evening, and there is still a lot to get done.  I need to finish the following items to consider it a complete game:

  • Winning when you get to the flag.
  • Creating more than just one level to race in.
  • Adding a smart AI for the opponents to use.
  • Randomize which instructions are available each turn - you might not be able to make the move that is strictly most optimal!

I'd really like to get the following done in the week, but they aren't strictly required:

  • Previewing how your robot will move based on the current program.
  • Robots firing lasers at each other (including damage and destruction of robots) and stationary lasers on the map that you could run into
  • Additional board elements:
    • Fast conveyors, that move robots twice.
    • Rotaters or gears that rotate robots without moving them.
    • Pits you could fall in - causing instant destruction.

The last things are stretch goals, that I might get to, but more likely will be updates after the week is over (and not eligible for submission to the judging)

  • A help screen and/or instructions as you start levels (with the first few levels being a tutorial of sorts)
  • Multiplayer support (via hotseat, taking turns to program your robots)
  • Respawning a limited number of times after your destruction
  • Adding multiple flags, and you have to reach all of them in order
  • Additional board elements:
    • Crates that are pushed by conveyor belts and robots (potentially with explosions if they are destroyed)
    • Mirrors to redirect lasers.
    • Prisms to split lasers in two.
    • Curved conveyor belts, that change your direction as you move onto them.

We'll see how much I get done.  One thing is for sure - it will be a fun couple of days!


  • Robot Racers 1 MB
    Mar 05, 2020
Download Robot Racers RL
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