v0.0003 Catharsis
- Made Royal Punish bullet larger. It's still nearly microscopic off of one charge, but at least you can now see it.
- Holding down E and firing Royal Punish works perfectly, if you release the button immediately after firing you should be fine. If you wait up to have a second to release the button, you will pop Royal Guard again.
- Added HP and damage values to all bullets, player, and enemy. Meaning the enemy CAN be killed! The player cannot, however. I have not written a game over condition yet.
- Slight quality improvements to the HUD, using a cool-ass font for the selected Style display.
In future update:
- Style meter
- Music/Sound
- At least one other enemy type
DoomCry0003.gmz 722 kB
DoomCry0003.exe 3 MB