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VIIR - Physics Interactions In the works

I am currently working on improving and expanding upon     the interactions of the game based much of the feedback I have been getting from you all.

I am currently integrating the VR Interaction  Framework. (Thanks to Dan Mizu who found it for me)

This update is going to path the way for a bunch of future content, but I am initially working on

  • Smooth Locomotion & Snap Turning
  • VR Hands
  • Physics Based Grabbables (so they don't go through things)

It also   has some other benefits coming built in,    like improving throwing things.

What it will also do is path the way for

  •  Inventory
  • More complex weapons (perhaps bows, and fireables)
  • Physics based Leaves, buttons and knobs for interacting with the world.

As well as much more.

The above shot is mid-dev so don't  pay to much attention to details other than you can see hands are in the works from the framework.

While there is a lots of exciting possibilities, it will take some time for me to do these integrations, and the next update may been weeks away. In the meantime, join the discord (link in the email I sent you as a supporter for buying the game)   and keep sending in  your feedback, ideas and suggestions.

With all this in mind, the next update will likely be focusing on interactions and how the game plays, rather than game-play itself (enemies, balancing, etc). Which is something I will be putting more time into once I get this new system in. I think is important to get the interactions right, before investing too much into  how they are used.


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