Posted February 25, 2020 by Kevin.De.Temmerman
During prototyping, we want to confirm whether or not our core mechanics comply with the genre of game we want to create.
First and foremost, we wanted to test if using splitscreen is a viable option, considering we're thinking of a 1v3 format. To this end, we tried to implement splitscreen mechanics in both Unreal and Unity:
We confirmed that implementing the mechanics in either engine is not particularly troublesome. However, it is too early to say whether or not we can use this mechanic for our 1v3 format, as we have been unable to implement gameplay mechanics.
Secondly, we succesfully mapped the controls of a PS4 controller to each camera present. Again, both engines readily support this, neither having a specific advantage so far.
Thirdly, we are wondering which camera perspective to go by. Currently, a third person is implemented, as we believe that our characters and mechanics will be most enjoyable this way. However, only during a next prototype phase with more emphasis on developing mechanics will we be able to test this.
Lastly, we prototyped one gameplay mechanic, that of a snake paralyzing the zookeeper. This prototype made us realize that in itself, simply paralyzing the zookeeper for several seconds does not really provide a high 'fun factor', and does little for the goal of the game, namely preventing the zookeeper from completing his tasks. Thus, this mechanic needs to becomce more dynamic/interesting/interactive -> implementing a mini-game,..., and each animal will probably benefit from having multiple abilities-> more prototyping required.
As mentioned earlier, in the coming week we will focus on developing and prototyping actual gameplay mechanics,