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Devlog 07 Lens flare, Main Menu and GUI update

The Zombie Apocalypse Game
A downloadable game for Windows

Hey there everyone,

first of all I'd like to apologize for being a day late with this weeks post, but I had a really busy week and I had to finish some features before posting a new update.

So, the first new feature in the game was the Lens flare effect that I've added right after publishing last weeks devlog post. As you can see on the photos, this effect appears when you look into the sun. I've also started working on a first person view mode, but it will have to wait until the next weeks devlog, because it could use some fixes.

The second thing I've added to the game this week was the loading bar. After launching the game, it took for about half a minute for the game to launch, at least on my computer, so I've decided to add a loading bar when the game launches, so you won't have to wait half a minute for the window to show up.

As I mentioned earlier, I had a really busy week and I didn't have much time to work on the game, so I've decided to create some basic GUI. The 1st thing I've done were the buttons and the Main Menu state. As you can see, I've create a basic a basic Main Menu, with 2 buttons, one for starting the game and one for quitting the program.

The next thing I've done was a dropdown list, that you can already see in use in the editor, where you can select the type of entity you want to place.

Then I've added a counter bar that can add or remove a value of 1, 10 and 100. This counter is used to modify the rotation and scale of the entity.

Then the last thing I've added was the slider button, that you can see also in the main menu. Right now it doesn't really have a use, but I plan to use it when creating the options menu for setting the sound volume, brightness contrast, etc.

So this was it for this week, I'm really sorry for having so few updates this week only, but if everything goes well, next week there might be a bit more new updates.

See you next time.

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