Posted February 22, 2020 by snarge
It's been about a week since initial launch. While the point of this whole shabang was to quickly complete a game and move on, I did get a lot of great feedback from people that I couldn't pass up. The main changes are:
Next? Probably another game, similar in scope. Building this has been both a lot of fun and a great exercise in developing as a ...developer. I already have a similarly themed idea too, so some assets will be reusable. I have some other enhancements for this one though, the biggest being that I really want Online Leaderboards, so that I can see how many people I can beat at my own game.
I can also see the game developing an exploration sub-mechanic, where some of the platforms hold pickups that spawn different branches / paths when collected. I could see that being a lot of fun...and even driving a mysterious narrative. BUT...that might be feature creeping a pretty solid game. Let me know what you think!