is community of indie game creators and players


Version 1.11.1

Another RPG Engine
A browser game made in HTML5
  • Enemy attack order can now be customized. Instead of enemies always acting in index order, you can give them a priority property to determine who acts in what order. Enemies will act in ascending priority value. Enemies will still act in index order by default.
  • hunterCheck now resets the active target, subject, and action back to the originals after the counter is finished. Additionally, support for enemy hunters and multiple hunters within each party has been added.
  • The call to hunterCheck now takes place in "custom end of action effects", for greater modularity and to facilitate enemy hunters.
  • Support for enemy instant actions has been added: If an enemy uses an action with the instant property flagged to true, it will not end their turn. Obviously, be careful to avoid infinite loops with this.
  • Enemies with multiple attacks will no longer continue to act if they die or are stunned in the middle of their turn.
  • New property for effects: persistent. If flagged true, the effect will persist even after the character is defeated.


  • rpgengine 5 MB
    Feb 16, 2020
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