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Malice - a role-playing game about princesses exploring a labyrinth

A downloadable role-playing game

Malice is a role-playing game for exactly 5 players. It is intended to be played in a single 2-3 hour session.

In the Queendom beyond the desert, in the City of Gems, by the river, the Queen Goddess reigns benevolently over her people.

In the Queendom beyond the desert, under the City of Gems, is the Labyrinth. A huge expanse of stone corridors, built by the ancients. The legend says that the labyrinth exists in several worlds at the same time, and that it is the prison of supernatural beings which must not leave it ...

When the stars are properly aligned, an important ritual takes place in the Queendom. The Queen Goddess enters the Labyrinth. Then his daughters do the same. They must travel through this place in search of their mother. If they are valiant, the Homecoming Ceremony can take place. Harmony and prosperity will be guaranteed for years to come.

Yesterday, the Oracles learned that the Queen Goddess had entered the Labyrinth. But it wasn’t the right time. Why did she choose to enter this cursed place? Is it part of its own accord or under the influence of some curse? Rumors are already beginning to circulate in the corridors of the palace. The Princesses will have to go find out the truth, trying to follow in the footsteps of their mother, trying to find her in the meanders of the Labyrinth, then bring her back, safe and sound, to her palace.

They will have to show courage because in the Labyrinth, the Beast roams.

And Malice, lurking in the shadows, awaits them.


  • malice-en.pdf 14 MB
    Feb 02, 2020
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