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Oirbo Devlog #47 - Story, UI and more Effects

A downloadable game for Windows

(Posted originally on our blog)

Hi guys!

Last week we went deep in writing, and finally, we finished Oirbo story, divided it to chunks and are ready to add it to the game! We always had the core elements of Oirbo story and the general idea on how we wanted to deliver it, but this week we finally closed up another big part of the project and it should be ready for integration soon :D.

You can read Oirbo overall story elements on our GDD (which isn't a GDD anymore XD) and let us know what you guys think of it.

The way we see Oirbo story,  as an add-on to the overall gameplay, none of it will be mandatory, no cut scenes will exist, just a set of logs that you need to explore in order to find them out. The logs will be delivered on a nonlinear order so you will need to collect every piece of the history to understand what happened and why Oirbo is roaming around. 

The only problem we have with the way we decided to deliver the story is that if the player completely skips it, the choice that the player has to make at the ending will be merely random without any meaning, still, since both endings have a real effect in the world, the player will leave the end game with some consequences on his hands.

Story aside, we are finally working on having a non dev made UI, and the first building blocks are almost ready to be integrated:

The  UI will be like the rest of the game, textless, so our major concern with the UI is making it clear and easy to understand. The icons (that we call visual language) need to be simple yet easy to understand their meaning in the context of the game. After a few months trying different styles and formats, we finally locked on one that it seems to work.

On the VFX side, we are almost done, there isn't much more to do for the basic character effects, the focus will shift now to make the VFX switcher system, that will allow as an example oirbo to raise dust on the warehouse from the ground, but on the nature area, it will raise dead leafs xD.

This one will be a little tricker since we want to also sync the VFX with actual SFX, it should take us long to make the system, but yet another final piece of the puzzle done. 

We can already smell the medical area coming as we finish piece after piece of the giant puzzle that it's Oirbo xD.

Next week we will skip devlog day since most of the team will be out for the holidays, but we should be back to work right after Christmas.

As usual a big thanks for all the support! 

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