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10.24: In Class/NYU Playtest

Jurassic Arena
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Playtest 10.24:

In Class Playtest:

Group #1 Shantanu & John:

  • Lower the walls so the players could see the characters and environment better.
  • Fix the hit box on walls and obstacles so the bullet won’t go through them.
  • UI that indicates character’s HP
  • Mobs spawned on walls and pillars.
  • Faster movement and Higher HP for the Wizard Dinosaur
  • Increase the size of the armored dinosaur.

Group #2 You Jin:

  • Environment design: hiding spot/ choke points in the map.
  • Items that grant upgrades to characters that can be picked up from the arena.
  • Mob spawn cooldown.
  • Increase the movement speed of the mobs
  • Ui that indicates character’s HP

NYU Playtest:

Group #1 Unknown NYU Game Design Students

  • We need a cooldown for the spawning mechanic.
  • A control guide at the starting scene.
  • The players want special abilities to the characters( i.e. dashes)

Group#2 NYU Student Megan

  • We need a Health UI to give players a better visual feedback.
  • The player asked if she can run during the playtest.
    • Adjust the movement speed of the gunners, inclusion of dash ability in future.
  • The player wants some kind of power ups on the map they could pick up.(buffs or health items)

Group#3 Unknown NYU Game Design Student

  • The Bullet Ricochet feature seems unnecessary.
  • Increase the threat level of the mobs to Gunners
    • Faster movement speed
    • Perform actions like jump towards the gunners when they were in a set distance.
  • Abilities like Grenades would be nice for the gunners to clear the mobs
  • Environment elements like traps would also help players to strategies their actions.
  • They also asked if the Boss Dino could have an attack ability that with close range but deal high damage to the Gunners.

Group#4 Unknown NYU Game Design Faculty Member & Student

  • We need to add that cooldown ASAP
  • The players said that it would be nice to add screen shakes whenever the Wizard Dinosaur moves. It might be a nice way to spice up the game
  • A Guide for controls is necessary
  • There is a mouse aiming issue with the machine-gunner . Cole said something about the ratio of the screen earlier. 
  • Some visual indication for the spawn cooldown would be nice
  • Adjust the movement speed of the gunners.
  • Fix the hit boxes of small dinosaur

We received a lot of feedback based on our observations and player’s direct feedback on Today’s playtest. All of them are valuable information that would help us to take our game to a better stage. However, based on the time we have right now, I do not think it is possible for us to include them all in the game before the Due date which is next Tuesday. So here are the goals for this weekend:

  1. A cooldown function for the Wizard’s spawning ability. 
    1. It is clear throughout the playtests we’ve got that having the wizard spawning the mobs without any limitation would break the game. This is a main focus for this weekend’s development.
  2. HP UI
  3. Ending of the Game and restart
  4. A Start Menu includes a control guide
  5. Visual effects and BGM that would help spiced up the game
  6. All Animations and Models
  7. Additional abilities for the Gunners
  8. Balancing around character and mobs’ stats.
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