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RoomWithAViewAlpha 0.7 - Startup bug finally fixed!

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Another round of updates and probably the biggest jump to hitting my goals for the Beta so far.

The biggest thing you'll notice with this update is that the intermittent startup crash is finally dead and gone!

The issue was a bug in a piece of code that I didn't have any easy debugging visibility into.

Essentially in the Desktop Viewer, I'm grabbing an image off the graphics card of a screen, converting that into a texture, and displaying it in the game. The problem was that sometimes, if the game was running fast enough, the image could get edited by the screen grabbing part of the code before the texture displayed in the game was ready to be edited.

This didn't happen often during the game, but during startup when there was a short period where not much other code was being run the bug could pop. Crashing the game.

It sounds simple, but since Godot doesn't currently easily support C# debugging, it was a huge effort to hunt down the root cause. I couldn't tell if maybe I was assigning something wrong, or too quickly, or if the hardware wasn't being accessed correctly, or what.

Anyway point is it's fixed and startup is stable now. There's still a handful of smaller bugs but the stability increase with this update should be pretty huge. The startup bug should be completely gone, and in my testing the game has remained stabled after being ran for several hours.

Additionally there's been some updates to the tracked objects. They now consider the orientation of the object you're loading when they first set their rotation, instead of inheriting the rotation of the controller. This means objects will not load in upside down if you're controller is mounted at an odd angle.


  • 90 MB
    Oct 26, 2019
Download RoomWithAView
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