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Finishing touches

Universal defence force
A downloadable game for Windows


Not too much progress this entry. Most of what was done was fixing up what was already in the project. The three big issues I attempted to tackle were; enemy spawning (currently interrupts cut scenes), cut scene triggers (good ending and player death endings not working), enemy targeting (not locking onto player when created from a spawner). I was only able to fix a few of these issues. I was unable to make progress when it comes to implementing Json data files like I originally intended; adding sound effects, in game cinematics and any other form of juice is a ways off. By focusing on the important issues, I'm more than happy with where the game stands to upload it now. Building the game to fit scale properly was also a pretty sizeable task that had me reconstructing some scenes and reanimating most of my cinematics.

Tasks completed

  1. Fixed enemy spawning
  2. Fixed cut scenes
  3. Fixed enemy rotation
  4. Built and uploaded UDF

What's next?

Moving forward, I would like to fix the remaining issues, including the ones I jerry rigged a solution for such as the manual timers for enemy spawning, preventing me from adding a cut scene skip without a large wait in game until enemies start to spawn. Using json for dialogue and or weapons would be neat. Then comes adding sounds and any other cool effects I can think of.


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