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Paranormal Cases: Old Foamy Road DevLog

sorry for typos !

Hey everyone thanks for checking out my game jam entry this is gonna be a first of this type of dev log since I normally don't like writing since I am particularity bad  at it but I enjoyed this story so much I wanted to give it a bit of back story. So I started working on a new collective called Paranormal Cases where I cover  some of these true  paranormal  story's into a game. I enjoy hearing about cases where things just don't add up where the logic doesn't seem to matter and all of our prenotions just get turned upside down. Ya those type of stories I am interested, and its always hard trying to weed through the craziness you can find online. 

   This cases was very interesting as I live in Texas and begin my research phase looking into haunted places and I stumble upon a YouTube video of most haunted roads in Texas so I check it out. Now what really got me into this story was the fact that it was a half man half  half goat I was thinking wicked sounds like a demon! Exploring more into it I find  various videos on YouTube and a very similar story about a goat man haunting a bridge  In  Old Alton bridge. Now to be honest that sounded appealing there was even a buzz feed supernatural video on YouTube so I checked it out as well.  But I decided since the story Old Foamy Road wasn't as known I would give  this the shout out it instead plus If I wanted to I can  reuse the goat man asset . 

Now the art style isn't particularly  interesting its a just a low poly art style which is all I can do ATM so please bare with me. But I will come out and say that I am very proud of the models in this game since I was able to create and actually rig it!  Now your probably thinking really rigging a character isn't to hard but let me tell you it was for me it was at least trying to squeeze that in with everything else that comes with game development. So I begin doing a simple low poly human model, but the catch was that I was gonna add horns and make the legs more goat like. 

This being the end result I was pretty excited I finally got this guy rigged which meant No more T poses .  Man did this get me excited for future projects as now I can provide models for any game I want. Since I was excited from the model I decided I would go ahead and make the final model for this game and that be a single cab truck. 

So another first for me a low poly vehicle and again I was pretty stoked for it  The only thing left now was to add some code to these new objects so I  installed the standard assets package and started playing with a bunch of scripts.

So I slapped some code together with the standard assets and Now I Am starting to see the bigger picture. I Visualize driving down the road in the middle of the night when all of a sudden POP you loose a tire. Now getting a flat tire is one thing , but getting a flat on one of the most haunted roads in america is another thing. So I have the story I have the models  some scripts I can see the light at the end of the tunnel but their is one Problem my AI code isn't  particularity good. I have a simple AI code that I pulled from some tutorial and it basically chases the player type. So since i am now running out of time I decide that Since the main objective is to get off the Road Maybe it should end with a chase.  once you get the vehicle ready it should be get the hell out of there at any cost. 

Now that you kinda got the bullet points on my  game dev journey Just know that I am gonna release one more update for the two paranormal cases on Halloween.  I really don't want to spend to much time on this project since I have one in the works that is just grabbing all my attention. I do plan on adding one more story to the collective maybe before the end of the year if another game jam happens in between now and the new year I will defiantly add one  more.  Until then stay strange my internet Friends !  

You can check out the previous Paranormal Case on the link below Made for the one script jam 


  • 56 MB
    Oct 20, 2019
Download Paranormal Cases : Old Foamy Road
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