v0.16.15 is out!
Additions and changes:
- Ninja Princess NSFW event #1 added
- Ninja Princess NSFW animation #1 added
- Desert Princess' Festival dance now starts manually
- Rewrote most of Dog Princess Campsite scene
- Increased by a big margin the Swirlies needed to proceed the various steps of Dragon Princess I's Route
- Crashes during Golem Princess defeat dialogue
- Player becoming unable to move after switching Crystal Princess out
- Wrong Holstaur Princess quest reward
- Crashes during dialogues with Ghost Progeny in the Campsite
- Moon Festival dance minigame sometimes not showing the 3rd arrow
- Finhead affinity quest being accessible (while her Reign isn't ready)
- Getting stuck in Insect siege if the Knight has no Relationship points with the Princess
- Dying in the Mushroom Cave resulting in a freeze
- Dog Princess animation's placement in the screen during her ending scene (*pat pat*)
- Custom Cat Princess anal animations not checking for the Knight's equipped items
- Adjusted the skip text command so it won't crash when a new quest gets called
- Various typos