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KIT507 Zombie Maze Week 11

Zombie Maze by MTP
A downloadable game

KIT507 - Game Design and Production - Master of Information Technology Systems - University of Tasmania

Zombie Maze Main PageZombie Maze MTP Main


                           - CHENGRUI ZHAO (MARK) 459793                            

                           - HOANG THONG PHAM (THOMAS) 487032                           

                            - XIANGNING YAN (PEARL) 226805

WEEK 11 - Combine working parts together, test some bugs and added zombies as main enemies

Welcome to our Zombie Maze made by MTP!

We are MTP (Mark, Thomas and Pearl) who made a video game for teenager audience to enjoy. 

In this dev post, we will talk about how we were very busy as we combined our parts together, test bugs and added zombies as main enemies. This time we worked together to ensure each part would be combined successfully.

This week video clips test:


Pearl was working on the script which allowed the zombie chased after player as it could attack the player properly with its animation. So, she added some code for collision detection and execution of an animation to the zombies to implement the previous plan. 

Images : Added codes to script

Basically, the zombie attacks the player whenever it still has more than 0 HP while if it reaches to 0 HP, it will die. 

Image: Destroy Object

When the zombie dies, it will be disappeared after a short delay. To make this happens, Mark added another script to Pearl's part. This will the destroy the object zombie after the zombie reached 0 HP. 


Mark made a demo to test the doors and keys, then he integrated the job to the main project (See image below).

Image. Demo for testing door triggers and keys

In order to achieve the function that allows player to use the key open the door, Mark needs to put a script on door to control it and use a trigger to check the key number in the coding logic, once if the player has enough key, they can open the door. Firstly, Mark put a trigger in front of the door and added a script to detect if the player entered the area and access the key number owned by player. Secondly, use a Animation System to create an animation for door opening (See below), which focuses on recording the rotation status of the door. Thirdly, add a judgement to see if the player has enough key to open the door and return the result to control the door’s action. Moreover, Mark search an audio clip online and added to the door, which plays when it opened.

Image: Create the door open animation

Image: Use key open the door


Mark put a collider trigger on the key prefab to detect if the player approached. The script on the key monitors if the player fired the trigger and pressed the “G” to collect it. If the key is successfully collected, the result will be passed to the playermanager script so that to update the key number.

Also, the key number will be reflected on the screen in real time. In order to acknowledge the player about how to collect the key, we put a 3D text on the key and made it constantly facing the player (Use the LookAt() function in script). To make it perfect, we think we can add a collecting sound to the key if we have time.

Image: Collect the key


Image: Instruction UI in game

Thomas added a simple instruction in game to help the players how to play the game


Thomas also added a script to allow to change the between the main menu and main scene. However, it was not worked at the time. He was waiting to ask tutor Wells to see what errors he made to fix this problem.


Image: Combination of 3 persons' parts

In order to make this happen, the team agreed to make Thomas's base scene as the main project while Mark and Pearl's parts would be imported as prefab packaged. Then Thomas put the player's camera into the map to make the character working in the map. Then he checked every corner of the map and tested whether the ground of the map was conflicted with the player or between the height of the player and the building height. 


Initially, while Mark and Pearl was busy with their parts to be improved, Thomas created a testing feedback forms for the tester to answer in the following week. At the week of this week, Thomas had asked Mark and Pearl whether the questions were appropriated for the testers

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