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KIT507 - Zombie Maze Week 8

Zombie Maze by MTP
A downloadable game

KIT507 - Game Design and Production - Master of Information Technology Systems - University of Tasmania

Zombie Maze Main PageZombie Maze MTP Main


                           - CHENGRUI ZHAO (MARK) 459793
                           - HOANG THONG PHAM (THOMAS) 487032
                           - XIANGNING YAN (PEARL) 226805

WEEK 8 - Concept Design

Welcome to our Zombie Maze made by MTP!

We are MTP (Mark, Thomas and Pearl) who made a video game for teenager audience to enjoy. In this dev post, we will talk about how we started the project with concept design. Our team consisted of 3 people which separated to  do different parts: Mark and Pearl collected maps assets etc;  Thomas handled the player control, weapons, weapons stat and HUD. Let's get started!

MARK & PEARL - map designs

Assets used: Unity Asset Store - Polygon City Package


Image 1: Map resource to make Map Design

In order to create map, Mark and Pearl worked together on drafting the map design before put on manually building the map scene. They prepared some concepts of the map in paper and on digital drawing. During these time, they searched on Unity Asset to seek for the asset which is suitable for their map designing. Eventually, they finalized their draft and finished to look for the best Unity resource to build the map. 

THOMAS - player control, weapons, weapon stats and HUD (UI) 

Assets used: Easy FPS by Mario Haberle - Links: Unity Asset Store - Easy FPS

This asset package include a variety of useful features that Thomas needed to use on his development of player control and weapons. It included a sample scene where the player can control the character had hands and weapons animations bonded as the first person shooter. From there, Thomas modified some of aspects of the assets to fit with nature of the Zombie Maze. 

Image 2: Added Handgun Model

Image 3: Handgun as Resources

Image 4: Gun script provided as edited weapon stats for the handgun

The 3 images above are about the added handgun from another Unity asset which is not part of Easy FPS. The goal of Zombie Maze was to have variety of weapons for players to try which each of them has unique stats; for example, the handgun has low damage and low fire rate but the reloading speed is fast and the ammunition is almost available throughout the map. To make added weapons available to the scene, Thomas required variety steps to go there:

-  Added the handgun model 

-  Create new weapon resource that included the handgun model

-  And, modify the gun script for handgun with appropriate stats

These stats are only affected on the weapon itself but not on the target enemy. Despite it was not inflict damage, the weapon stat was needed to be balance in order to make the game feel interesting and unique at the same time. The idea of the first two available guns' stats: 

Handgun: damage is weak, fire rate is low BUT reloading speed is fast, recoil is slow, aiming speed is fast and ammunition is available throughout the map

Sub machine gun: damage is average, fire rate is quite fast with automatic style BUT reloading speed is slower, recoil is higher, aiming speed is slower and ammunition is more rare than the handgun

Image 5: Ammo count HUD

Image 6: Health Bar

In addition, Thomas was responsible for the HUD. He was doing the ammo count UI and health bar UI. The ammo count was connected with weapon stats which whenever the weapons are fire, the ammo count is count down for both parts - the ammo in the gun chamber and the ammo in the reserve respectively. The health bar was for decoration purpose and would be implemented in the future.

Here is the video of Thomas's part: 


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