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The Thorns of War Update #8 - Kickstarter Week 2

The Thorns of War
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hello all

I was going to post this tomorrow, but after the huge funding boost we've been fortunate enough to have today, I thought I would share the good news now. 

I'm sure many reading this are already aware  we have made our funding goal, but today were we were also lucky enough to hit our first stretch goal! This means more CGs for each route and a better game for everyone to enjoy. ^_^

I am so grateful. Many, many thanks to everyone who has pledged, left feedback and shared posts on social media so far. 

To see our progress and check out our stretch goals, please feel free to visit the kickstarter page here.

Now it seems like the game is going ahead, I have been sketching out the plot in more detail and contacting those backers who have an NPC as part of their reward. Having an idea of which characters are to be included as I plan the routes will help ensure all additional NPCs feel like a natural part of the world. I hope to continue this work for the next two weeks so I can hit the ground running once the campaign is finished. 

Anyway, many thanks again for your support and please follow us on Tumblr and Facebook for daily updates etc. ^_^

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