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Legends of the Awakened
A downloadable game for Windows

What's new: "Procs" , Damage Shields, a new combat log, and the beginnings of a vertical slice...

  • Procs:

     If you play these kinds of games, you're familiar with the concept. Procs are basically special effects with a chance to happen when triggered by another action. Example: every time you hit an enemy there is a 50% chance to trigger a proc that does additional fire damage. I've added several new items with procs into the game. Right now the procs are set to 100% chance on hit (fully adjustable) and they are very powerful.  In fact, they are ridiculously overpowered at the moment. The tuning will come later, but the items demonstrate how the system will function. You put on a shiny new piece of gear that grants a proc and watch your enemies melt.

  • Damage Shields:

     Damage shields are procs that happen in response to melee damage. Imagine a spell that covers you in thorns and deals physical damage to any enemy that hits you with a melee attack. I'm just starting to work on the system. For now, there is a single example in game on Karl... when he is hit with a melee attack, his attacker takes cold damage.

  • Combat Log:

     At the bottom left of the screen is a new combat log that tracks all damage done during  a battle. It gives the player a lot of information about the attacks beyond how much damage was done.

  • Vertical Slice:

    One of my goals for this game is to reach alpha by the end of the year. This means I need to have the framework in place for all major systems, and a playable, vertical slice of the game. A vertical slice is a small demo that showcases all the game systems. I have started work on this, but I am at the very, very beginning. For now, I have an intro cinematic that gives an idea as to the direction of the vertical slice. It's rough, but entertaining, and it should give the player a sense of what I'm trying to do with this game. 

That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by, and until next time ... happy gaming!


  • 463 MB
    Sep 26, 2019
Download Legends of the Awakened
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