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Devlog Progress for Checkpoint 1 (Player Movement)


During the first week of September, I developed the basic player movement controls incorporating the WASD keys for movement, the space bar to shoot arrows, and the “E” key to interact with items; at the same time, I was developing the ghost/enemy animations and implementing the A* Pathfinding Project pathfinding for the enemy AI to seek the player. I also added animations for treasure chests and specific items. Initially, I encountered an issue with the pathfinding system where the ghost/enemy-spawned objects attempted to seek the player prefab instead of the player hierarchy object. This was resolved after my unit coordinator pointed out the oversight. The image below shows the path of the spawned enemies drawn using the Gizmos visual debugging tool to the left of the scene. 

The player animations are functional for the most part, but there is an issue where the player does not orient correctly while stopping in the direction of the last movement. Specifically, the player stops and reorients to the north coordinate, and the idle animation continues looping even after stopping. This is particularly noticeable near the exit point at the end of the animation clip I have added to this post. I plan to address this as soon as I can isolate the problem and make the necessary adjustments.

Currently, the player's "spinning" animation at the exit point resets the scene. In future development iterations, this will be updated to transition the player to the next level or scene.

The image below demonstrates the player and ghost/ enemy animations at this point of development:


I have received valuable feedback from two of my peers, Chloe and Xavier. Both highlighted an issue with my player, and ghost/enemy sprites appear blurry. This was resolved during the practical session on September 16 by setting the filter mode of the player sprite sheet to "Point (no filter)" in the 2D and UI settings. As my first game upload was in the early stages of development, Chloe pointed out some inconsistencies I was already aware of, such as incorrectly set colliders and layers for certain objects and interactions. It was also noted that the player started in the upward-facing position, most likely related to an issue with my player animations. I addressed all of these issues shortly after receiving the feedback, except for the player animation issue, which I am still working on. I also adjusted the cooldown speed for arrow shooting, as suggested.

A* Pathfinding Project

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