is community of indie game creators and players

official lisense of catel albastru joc video

official license of catel albastru joc video

custom license

there is what is not allowed:

worldwide commercialization: like on live tv, real life posters ect. but putting video on youtube or other social media is allowed because i would find it anxiosly if i found them irl because i am more sensitive when outside of computer. physical commercialization with this is not allowed too like advertising a physical copy of catel albastru joc video not a diffrent product. ads are not allowed on social media like youtube, facebook, instagram, tiktok... oh wait that is all but i mean any social media that part of my family uses and its because it would be embarrasing for my mom to watch an ad like this

sharing:  reuploading the game on a website it already was uploaded to is not allowed because it adds nothing new but on private sharing platforms like mediafire, its allowed. sharing the game already downloaded on a device for others to play is allowed

credit: giving credit in catel albastru joc video is not strictly necessary but appreaciated

licensed products: unless for personal use, sharing others to try it personally or shared online only, nothing is allowed but sharing the licensed product on social media is allowed

i will do nothing but i wont apreciated worldwide sharing and lisesed products

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