Posted August 12, 2024 by Lil' Beastman
#Characters #Calum Merrill #Art Things
Hamburger sandwich
I finally named the game!
"Tangled in Development"
I like the double meaning it has! Because, on one hand, it's about the peoples making games! But on the other hand... Elio!
The only thing I don't like so much is how long it is... but what are your thoughts???
I also made the icon for when you play the game!!
As you can see... they're GAMING! And there's a cord going hjdfkjshjadcgyhbcjikhbghsfbhjsfnjh
Epic symbolism!!
He exists now! (Sort of)
I think he's a purdy boy <3
I'm very pleased with how he's coming out so far! Just look at that face!!
I have one of the new finished pieces up on my Twitter! Can't link to it here, but you can definitely go check it out, if you wanna!
I also made a special song for when the player goes down the bad route! That makes 3/5 songs done!
I got to the part of the story where Elio said a bad word!!! It was very intense. (He actually said several bad words in that one scene! May or may not edit them out later)
The second day is almost finished! Like... really, really close to being finished! And the third day seems like it's probably gonna be shorter than the others...
So, how about some obligatory screenshots?
How he do dat
Calum is a clever boi
No more gaming? :(
A selection of screenshots that don't ruin the major plot points, yay :D
I'm still making a game, even though the situation seems pretty spooky... I feel sad that it always winds up like this, but I'm still going to get this done. For myself, as well as all of you!
I hope you enjoyed the update! See you next week!!
Bye-Bye~! <3