is community of indie game creators and players

Not even 24 hours...

Wow... just... wow. I never thought this little monstrosity would get this kind of attention! I've been picking away at this thing for a few months, maybe even a whole year off and on. Things just kind of... clicked this last weekend, and I was happy with the results, and figured I'd put it up, maybe post the link on a few sites and tell some creators that inspired me, but it hasn't even been 24 hours, I put up a stray link on one Discord, and I already have more than 1000 views, and 8 followers here!

I know that doesn't sounds like much on the outside, but all this attention has really just ignited a wildfire in me, and really try and make something even better!

Thank you. I've been trying to keep up with everything. I take each criticism and suggestion serious, and especially appreciate any hints or help in how to code. I'm actually enjoying the process!

Thank you all so much!

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