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Pixel Art in WoollySoft

As other indie game developers may know, it can be hard to design the perfect pixel art for your game. Until recently we have been using a pixel-art editor named ‘Pixel Studio’ because it is easy to learn and use. This editor allowed us to make all of the art in our first complete game ‘Sheep Hug Simulator’ and some of the enemies, players and items for our new game that were working on named: ‘The Epic Adventure Of Bumble And Tibbles’. However, When we started designing tiles for this game we quickly realised that ‘Pixel Studio’ is not quite what we want for our new game. Although good, ‘Pixel Studio’ cannot allow you to see what other tiles would look like next too each over. For this reason, we will be switching to ‘Pyxel Edit’ for tile design as it will allow us to design tiles that fit together flush rather than with obvious lines between the tiles. Although we will still be using ‘Pixel Studio’ for characters, tiles will now be designed in ‘Pyxel Edit’.


‘Bumble And Tibbles Epic Adventure’ is a top-down, pixel-art, dungeon crawling, 2-player, action-adventure game starring 2 cats as the players (pictures below) this means that we need hundreds of different tiles, characters and enemy’s to get the action-adventure  feeling that we desire. Below, are pictures of sprite sheets for some possible enemy’s that may appear in the game.


Also featured below are some of the possible tiles that may feature in the game. Note however the feeling of a slope in the cliff in A and in B. I imagine you will have more of a feeling of verticality in B (made in ‘Pyxel Edit’). This feeling of verticality is created by having 2 curved line of cliff creating a funnel formation. The reason A does not have the same slope-like feeling is because in order to have a slope 3 tiles high, you need diagonal tiles 3 tiles long (Shown in diagram Y) where as in B to create a 3 tile high slope it only needs to extend by 1 tile (as shown in diagram X). This creates a more slope-like feeling in the ground.


Bumble and Tibbles - the 2 main characters - have been designed with walking animations and idle animations. The combat animations have been proving difficult as the sword does not fit on the 32x32 grid we designed for them. This means that we need to have the sword and the characters as 2 separate sprites. 


We plan to release a 1 screen demo of this game before attempting one of our other ideas and then coming back to finish this one.

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