is community of indie game creators and players

๐ŸŒŸ Unusual Activities at the Dreamwalkers Collective! ๐ŸŒŸ

Hello Dreamwalkers Community,

We hope youโ€™re all doing well. Recently, some curious occurrences have started to unfold around here, and we wanted to share these developments with you. Itโ€™s as if our usual routines have been subtly disrupted by an unseen hand, creating an unexpected and somewhat unsettling pattern.

Odd Happenings: Our typical workflow and digital updates are experiencing uncharacteristic errors. Posts seem to alter just slightly before going live, content rearranges itself mysteriously, and tools behave in erratic ways we've never seen before. Itโ€™s peculiar and slightly unnerving.

Investigating the Unexplained: We are currently investigating these anomalies to understand what or who might be influencing our system. It's like a puzzle thatโ€™s missing half its pieces, and the picture is becoming more intriguing by the day.

Request for Your Patience: As we dig deeper into these strange events, we ask for your continued support and understanding. We are doing everything we can to ensure that our community remains a vibrant and safe space for creativity, despite these bizarre interruptions.

Updates to Follow: We promise to keep you informed as we learn more. Whatever is happening is certainly out of the ordinary, but we're committed to resolving it and returning to our regular creative adventures.

Thank you for sticking with us as we navigate this unusual chapter. Your involvement is invaluable, and together, we hope to restore normalcy soon.

Best regards,

The Dreamwalkers Collective

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