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DevLog - 04/05/2024

Hello hello everyone! After my recent trip to GDC, I came to a realization that most people are working in 3D. Before GDC, I thought I would only be able to make 2D games because of my lack of resources. I thought 3D would require a giant team of people and I never pushed myself, until now.

I realized that if most game dev artists are learning 3D in school, then I would actually have less trouble finding talent for 3D than 2D. And this is especially true because it is damn near impossible to find good 2D animators. Literally one day of searching for talent, I found two 3D modelers willing to work on 3D adult games with me. I told them to sculpt Queen as a test and one of them was able to finish in time for this devlog.

3D Queen Prototype

I have one goal. Make a game demo where you can run around and have sex with people. If I am able to accomplish that, I would have learned enough in the process to continue forward with 3D game development.

I met the great folk who run synty store over at GDC and they handed me $100 cash... literally. $100 off any products in their store, so I used it to get some free environmental models. I also had some nude models laying around because if you didn't know, I was a 3D porn animator for years before I started game development. I spent a solid amount of time figuring out the pipeline from blender to Godot. Setting up animations, lighting, camera, movement. Finally, I was able to do everything I wanted to do.

Yay! With everything at "barely passable" quality, I felt accomplished! All the buttons work and I felt like I learned a lot!

A day after I finished, the Queen model was completed. It looks great and I wanted to get it in the game and start polishing up the lighting.

I am currently running into one issue. I think Godot's lighting is not as powerful as I was hoping. It's a great engine, but no matter what settings I change, I can't get very good clear shadows. With all of the curves on Queen's body, the shadows are not being lit properly unless she is facing the perfect direction where all of the lights hit perfectly. And even then, it's only when light is shining directly at her.

It's a pretty big deal to me, because sex animations are supposed to look good when the camera is close to the models. I'm going to try testing this model in other game engines just to see what it looks like, and to confirm my suspicions about the Godot engine. I would not be happy switching game engines so I am looking for any solutions for the Godot engine first.

My next goal would be to find a 3D animator so that I don't have to do it myself. I'm also only good at sex scenes, nothing else LOL. So walking, running, jumping animations will suck ass if I did it.

As of right now, I am not planning on making a full game with Queen. If we make a 3D game, I would like to create a brand new story with new characters. In the meantime, I will be using the Queen model because she is the best girl. Sorry Suki fans.

Barely Working Warehouse Level

The Barely Working warehouse level is making great progress. A lot of lineart is done, all the sketches are done. This game takes a tremendous amount of time and effort and I appreciate everyone's patience. I like to save this game's artwork for release, but I'm willing to show off some sketches.

The art direction for this level is to have Candace be fondled with. The guys will be real close to her and they'll mess with her and they'll be very touchy with her.

Because of that, the artwork has a lot of hands in it. Wrapping around her, slapping her, grabbing her. We also included an idea of Candace working on her phone when she is down in the warehouse. And because she is working with a small device, the guys would be messing with her by grabbing her phone or recording videos of her having sex.

BiteBox has done a great job thinking of fun ways to make Candace have sex. One pose involves a ladder. Ever wanted to have sex on a ladder?

Queen's Brothel

My Queen's Brothel updates have been a litttlee slow. These new quests we work on require a lot of time. Reading, planning, creating pictures. I won't lie, I did distract myself with GDC and then immediately started doing that 3D game prototype. But, I'm hoping to get back to Queen's Brothel very soon. Realistically, I should probably finish Queen's Brothel very quickly so that I have more time to work on other stuff, but here I am, working on 5 things at once.


There is a lot of work to be done! I hope you guys enjoyed this devlog. Please let me know your thoughts about the 3D stuff I'm doing. Looking forward to showing you guys more soon!

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