Posted February 04, 2024 by Lorazx
#lorazx #surf and sorcery #announcement #ttrpg
Announcing my new game! Surf and Sorcery is a Forged in the Dark game for 1-5 players about playing the downtrodden assistants to a powerful wizard currently vacationing on an island for other powerful magic users.
For years you spent toiling under the literal and metaphorical boot of the Great Wizard Gardenal, and all without benefits or pay! When he drags you away from your designated time off to play butler for him while he kicks his feet up at the Sorcerer's Abode, you and your fellow apprentices hatch a plan: Your going to steal his Staff of Unimaginable Power, and Kill Your Boss. Will you and your scrappy crew of fellow losers succeed or will you be forever stuck pondering other people's orbs?
More details about the book will be released later, but I am aiming for release by the end of this year, or very early into the next. A playtest edition will be available soon, so keep an eye out for when I ask around for play testers.
Blades in the Dark™ is a trademark of One Seven Design. The Forged in the Dark Logo is © One Seven Design, and is used with permission.
Cover Text is by Lettuce via their Ransom Note art pack under CC BY 4.0