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Fen's Friday #3

This week was still a ~little~ slow, but I’ve got some stuff going on. I also just painted my nails, so I’m typing this very gingerly.


I’ve been playing with different ways to build levels. Here’s a peek at the prototype starting area, built entirely in Unity! It’s using the “ProBuilder” package, which lets you create and edit meshes without using another piece of software (like Blender).

I really wish I had access to a constructive solid geometry (CSG) system, but the one I like doesn’t work on my MacBook. If you’ve never heard of it, see the diagrams on this page.

Regardless, things have been going pretty well. I’m loosely basing the starting area on the Undead Asylum from Dark Souls.

garme design

The big idea of this game is going to be sort of like Nioh. In that game, your Ki is your stamina. When an enemy runs out of Ki, they can be hit for massive damage. You also have “yokai abilities”, which are basically special attacks.

I’m combining the two. You’re going to knock enemies to the ground by draining their stamina, then hit them with some kind of (horny) body attack, like a stomp or a grab.

I’m thinking you’ll also be able to use a limited resource (think FP in Elden Ring) to temporarily grow, which’ll let you perform one of these body attacks on a non-stunned enemy.

other stuff

A lot of my work continues to be on “boring” stuff. I made a pretty settings menu!

I’ve also been working on the HUD some more. I added popup messages, which can display both plain text and control hints.

Next Week

I’m not sure if I’ll have a build of Synthresized out yet. I keep finding things I want to fix up first, and I’d like to make the first release a little more than just a really tiny tech demo!

So, stay tuned for more (:

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