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This time... It's pretty BIG!

Hey guys! How are you doing? I hope all is well. 

I usually take 1 month to release an update, but this time will be a little different. 

Not because I am working less or because I have less time, but because the update is pretty big. If you follow the progress bar, I'm halfway through the development of the next update, but I'm already at 300 renders and about 14 animations, with those numbers I would have already released an update. However, since my way of storytelling is slow and progressive, I realized that 300 renders is not as much as I thought. 

So I prefer to release the update when there is enough content. I know the wait is stressful, but I can assure you that it will be worth it. I can't give you an exact date yet (follow the progress bar), but I hope to release version 0.5 this month.

For those who ask me when the full version will arrive, I can only reply: Guys, be patient. If I had the capacity to produce 1000 renders a day, believe me, I would. Unfortunately, it is not as easy and immediate as it seems.

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