Posted November 02, 2023 by AmberLittlePlanet
#vr #3d #indie
***New Features:***
1. New second and third levels of tools have been added, along with new wood and ores; trees and ores now need to be destroyed before they can be collected.
2. A **new watering can** feature has been introduced.
3. Flower hybridization is now available with updates to the growth display.
4. The water gun has been replaced with **Pew-pew gun**, with second and third-level now available.
5. Your canine friends can now move around!
6. Chance the sea dog, Bella the garden cool girl, and Rocko can now accept gifts. Giving them gifts could get you exclusive furniture from their series.
7. After the tutorial, you can now choose your own Avatar.
8. You can now see your hands when holding items.
1. Improved actions for Beagle, Yoki, Benny & Benji.
2. Jeff is now the shopkeeper, and Benji wanders around.
3. Improved preview effects when placement fails.
4. Storage lockers and wardrobes now unlocked based on game plot progression.
5. Main story involving the Vending Machine unlocked earlier; other related mainline logic and dialogues adjustments.
6. Cotton candy machine interaction optimized.
7. Improved low stamina display.
8. Updated Boomy's vlog in the tutorial.
9. Improved reminders in the dialogue.
10. Fire-related items can now ignite each other.
***New Arrivals:***
1. New river mount series items added; you can now swim in the river with a swim ring!🍩
2. Halloween series items are now available (join Discord activities to get Halloween items).
3. New clothing and facial items related to Avatars are now available.
***Bug Fixes:***
1. Fixed flickering issue with terrain tile when viewed from a distance.
2. Fixed occasional ray loss.
3. Now displays the outline normally when touching furniture items at close range.
4. Fixed issues with Chance the sea dog's weather dialogue.
5. Cotton candy machine information updates promptly.
Due to the extensive nature of this update, we strongly recommend resetting the game to enjoy the most complete gaming experience. Though losing game progress can be frustrating, I suppose it adds to the unique experience exclusive to beta users!
As always, we thank you for your continued support and hope you enjoy the new features and improvements on Little Planet.
Happy exploring!