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Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿฝ

I've been thinking recently, and I have decided to make some big changes and cut my workload in terms of my game content. By getting rid of some of the RO's, whilst also changing others.

Which is why Shuri/Shyam, Mason/Marley & Luther/Leena will no longer be RO's within Vice Virtue. All of the secret RO's within both Vice Virtue & Alpha, Beta, Omega have also been cut.

However, with these new changes, I've decided to allow more freedom within the choices of RO's in both games. Which is why I've now made each member of Team 1 in Vice Virtue gender-selectable. As well as One & Zero from Alpha, Beta, Omega. However, Wolfe and Viper will remain as their set genders, as it ties into their backstories.

Information on the RO's will be changed and updated, I will also be undergoing a re-write of both games. As I re-evaluate the game storyline's, backstories etc. Which is why I will be taking down both Vice Virtue & Alpha, Beta, Omega as I re-evaluate things. 

Hopefully I'll have it up by the end of the year, but in the meantime, thank you for your understanding ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

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