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Demesnes & Domination Errata

Heyo! The following is Errata added to Demesnes & Domination! The pdf Copies have been updated but for print copies, this si the official update to some rules, clarifications, and additions. Enjoy!


  • Pg. 22; Class-Oriented Structures and housing for Henchmen: All class-oriented structures have enough housing for the listed maximum number for any level indicating 200 square feet of space per henchmen. However, zero-level henchmen can be provided 20 square feet instead, representing bunk beds and common housing areas instead of private quarters. 
  • Pg. 67; Ransoming Henchmen: Players who are able to capture enemy leaders and/or their henchmen are able to ransom them back. The estimated gold piece value is equivalent to that NPC's XP level. For any first level henchmen, it is equal to ½ their second-level XP requirement (so a fighter that is 1st level is worth 1000gp to ransom, a magic user is worth 1,250gp etc.) Conversely, a Player Character's henchman might be captured and may have to deal with negotiating terms to return a beloved and important henchman back into their party.
  • Players are encouraged to set their own ransom price, including non-monetary rewards if desired or necessary, but the referee should use this benchmark to determine chances of success or failure when negotiating a ransom deal and having it modified using the reaction roll if necessary. Items, property, or services roughly equal to the gold/xp amount may also be considered an option as well.
  • Pg. 46; Damage: Any damage rolled automatically removes that many Hit Die worth of soldiers from the damaged unit, rounded up. For example, a unit of 10 1HD soldiers with spears rolls 1d6 for damage; dealing 4 damage which is the equivalent to 4HD worth of soldiers in the enemy unit is removed.
  • Units with individual soldiers that are less than 1 hit die count as 1/2 hit die for damage. This means for every one point of damage inflicted, that unit loses two soldiers. For example, a unit of 10 1HD soldiers with spears rolls 1d6 for damage; dealing 6 damage against a levy unit of 20 Normal Men soldiers The levy unit loses 12 individuals from the unit.
  • Any unit that has heroes in their ranks that are in the front line roll separately and add any damage they provide to the total done by the unit. However, this exposes the hero to also taking any damage rolls made by the unit. For example, unit with a player character fighting takes 7 damage. The unit loses 7 1HD soldiers and the player character also takes 7 points of damage.
  • Original damage has since been changed to Simulation Damage

Fixed and Clarified

  • Page. 16; Labor Dispute: workers aren’t getting along with the PC or the Engineer. Increase total remaining time by 1/2 unless resolved
  • Pg. 30; Demesnes Encounter: Traveling Entertainers provide +1 morale if you pay them. Use the settlement size multiplier on page 18 and multiply it by 100 to determine the cost of the entertainers for that settlement.
  • Pg. 80; Fortifying Encampments:
  • - Trench: 1 turn per 5x5x1 area per individual digging
  • - Fence: 1 turn per 5ft wide section
  • - Abatis: 1 turn to make 1d4 sharpened sticks
  • Pg. 138: Bounty Hunter Encounter: 3) 3) looking for info on a Party associate
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