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05/08/2023 - Update

Long time no see!

The Party has reached 2289 words, heading closer to the middle part of the narrative, closer to juicy horror bits! Unfortunately, the last stretch of the Single Choice Jam happened to coincide with a trip we had planned, which completely crossed my mind. Even if I do miss the deadline, I still plan on publishing the game either way, unpolished or not.

UAR writing for Phantasia Jam 2023 (which started July 31st) will reprise in September, just so I can have a breathing period between setting up The Party (I still can’t find a proper title!) and working on UAR.

VN projects-wise, as much as I’d love to try out the new codes that I’ve been waiting for, I may have to take a slow approach on things until I feel ready enough to pick everything up again. It is still impressive and cool to see people checking out The Raven after 3 years since the release. So thank you very much to everyone who has played it and who also have checked out my other works!

Have a memorable August, everyone!

— S.H.

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