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Silly Bird moment

As it stands, the current build of Silly Bird Sequel can be completed from the title screen to the credits. This includes both the gameplay segments and the cutscenes.

That's great news! However, it's not complete yet. Here's what i have yet to do:

I have to replace all of the placeholder assets. There's not actually that many, but it's not very fun to do so it may take a while.

I have to do all of the lategame challenge content.

I have to do the sound. There's hardly any sound in the game so far.

I have to get a soundtrack. A friend of mine said they would help but so far they've been busy. I might have to do it myself but it would suck.

There's some corners i've cut with the cutscenes, i may have to redo some of them.

I need to decorate the levels. So far they look really boring.

Speaking of stuff that looks boring, i should add like tons of visual effects - shaders, particles, etc. But i think that'll have to wait until godot 4.2 comes out (because it changes how compute shaders work i think) and it probably won't come out for a few more months.

The title screen is a placeholder. I should do something about that.

Fix bugs. Fix bugs. Fix bugs. Fix bugs. Fix bugs. Fix bugs. Fix bugs. Fix bugs. Fix bugs. Fix bugs. Fix bugs. Fix bugs. Fix bugs. Fix bugs. Fix bugs.

Obviously i'm gonna have to playtest the game more to do that.

And that's actually everything i believe. Is February possible? Possibly.

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