Posted July 20, 2023 by Zeanaye
GLOBETROTTER is a 2D adventure Minecraft map, that I am currently working on. On July 20, 2023, I released the Demo download for the public. The demo barely has anything at all of course, since I have just started working on GLOBETROTTER 3 days ago as of writing this post. I plan to try to get GLOBETROTTER's first version (V1) out by next week! This release will contain the FULL beginning of GLOBETROTTER (it's full tutorial), and it's first planet you explore. This planet is actually where you came from (as the character). It will have a lot of places to explore, but not much as you'd think you will see in later updates after V1. I'd suggest you stick around with XTW and the making of GLOBETROTTER, because we have a few things coming.