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What kind of text game should I make?

Hello everyone, it's been a long time since I made Sleeping Sister. Over the years I've come up with various ideas for a new game, but I constantly overthink things, feel like my ideas aren't good enough, and end up scrapping them. Also life gets in the way and I have a full-time day job now, but this is something I've always wanted to come back to because deep down I'm terribly perverted and love creating erotic content.

So, I am asking you, my humble followers and anyone else reading this; What kind of game would you like to play? A theme, a setting, story/narrative driven or more game-mechanic driven, what kind of game-mechanics if so??  Incest will also be the primary kink of whatever I make, because it's personally my biggest kink(don't tell my family 🤫).

Also keep in mind my limitations are pretty much 100% text based. I would, love love love to create a game with actual visuals, but my current living situation(no bedroom, I sleep on the couch. my computer is basically out in the open) offers me exactly zero privacy to create visuals, and I'd rather not have my family see me making stylized porn on my computer monitor, let alone them knowing I make incest content. I think I would just shrivel up and die if they ever found out about that haha... ha.

So toss me some ideas! I think hearing from other people and getting ideas that I may have not considered would help me along the path of actually fuckin' releasing a new game.

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