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Cleaning old game versions and finding your Saved game folder.

This post should help you either clean old versions of the game (Daughter of The Void) or find the Save files to such, so you can transfer them or back them up.

Clean Old Game Versions:

(WARNING: Back up your latest saved data if you are not completely sure what you're doing or do not know which file to delete JIC)

If you have more than one more game version, and find yourself confused, please follow the following steps to remove those old, un-needed versions.

  • If you Installed the game from Itch, on the Game page, next to the  launch button you will find the options cog button. After pressing it, Next to the installed game press on "Manage" and then "Open folder in explorer" Here you can delete old versions of the game if needed and keep your directory clean.
  • If you have manually installed the game into another place in your PC, pick that installed directory, find the Daughter of the Void Folder that you'd like to delete, and remove it.

Transferring saves:

If you wish to transfer your save to a newer version of the game, or just want to back it up, follow these instructions:

  • If you Installed the game from Itch, on the Game page, next to launch you will find the options cog button. After pressing it, Next to the installed game press on "Manage" and then "Open folder in explorer" Here you can see your game version. Inside the Daughter of the Void folder, you will find a folder called "Save". all your save data will be located there.
  • If you have manually installed the game into another place in your PC, pick that installed directory, Inside the Daughter of the Void folder, you will find a folder called "Save". all your save data will be located there.
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