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You people made my cheeks red...

Hi all!

The reception on ‘Alone. Again.’ has been phenomenal. In my last post I expressed how I never thought it would get half the attention it received at the time, yet now it has far succeeded those numbers I originally presented (like… by a lot) and I’m nothing short but grateful! Thank you to every single person who took time out of their own lives to spend a (very) short amount of time with that little experience and I hope at the very least it made you feel something, even if it was only terror.

Due to this reception and my very minimal catalogue available, I felt it only necessary to post an update on what’s next for me. I have multiple smaller projects in the works that fit together like puzzle pieces for my larger projects in the way they are designed and the systems I’m building for them. I have no specifics when these larger projects will see the light of day but I plan to release my next smaller project by the absolute end of March! (I’m also hoping that posting this will put some extra pressure on myself to meet that deadline…)

For some fun I’ve attached a WIP image of my next release’s title art as this post’s cover image. It’s a little different to ‘Alone. Again.’ but that’s the point, the systems incorporated in this game called for something a little different.

Thank you all again! Much love <3

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