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End of the year blues

Hello everyone! well first of all I want to wish y'all a happy new year and I hope 2023 is a good one. 

2022 was a chaotic year for me, I dropped out of college, published zines and went to art/comic events and showed it around, It was cool.
Now I am on holidays, watching movies and writing, a lot. I have a story I want to share but I'm still stuggling on some details and the sera and solaris comic is on progress slowly, but it's being worked on.

this was also the year that I realized I am non-binary! (or trans I still don´t know yet) after years of ignoring my feelings and it feels good damn it!!  I go by she/he in case you were wondering

SO I'm gonna set some goals right in front of you so I keep my promise and do AT LEAST one of them

  1. release 2 zines
  2. go out of the house more
  3. explore more places in my province

And I think that's it... well, see ya soon!

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