is community of indie game creators and players


Hello! I'm Michael, or ScarabDev as I'm known here online. This is just a little bit of an introduction to me for those who may be curious.

I'm an aspiring indie developer who is also currently a full-time student. I've been working in game development for around four years now, and I aspire to get a major in computer science. I first found my introduction to it through one of my high school coding classes, and I was later taught to code in the Godot engine by one of my seniors. Since then, I've released a few other various projects, mostly for game jams, however those all were on a separate account. I chose to create a new account as I feel those projects aren't an adequate representation of my current quality standards for my projects.

Currently I don't have a major project near release, nor do I have a single set project I'm deep in the development of. However, I do have various ideas that I do hope to solidify and get deep into work on soon!

So yeah, that's the basics on me! Thank you for reading this, and I hope to be able to post some proper content on game development soon!

-Michael (ScarabDev)

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