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Road to the gods - Devlog 4

Here you will find all the ideas and thing I want to implement in my games. Any help will be greatly apreaciated! Part 1- The Main idea of the game: The game is a clicker/Incremental RPG game with a touch of turn base style. The player( you) need to get climb the tower. The tower is going to consist of different floors. In each floor there will be 7 monster, 1 boss , 1 guardian that only appear after you have kill the monster and boss a certain amount of time. To kill the monster you can click on them reducing their hp by the amount of damage.Everytime you attack the monster the will attack you. Killing the moster will give you Exp, Souls(will be currency and prestige system of the game), Eventally they will drop equipments. In every 5th floor you will be able to fight one of the gods of the tower. To unlock this battle you will have to slay all the guardian from previous to this floor. #Changes- Im thinking of making all guardian battle a turn base battle this will go with the otther mecanism I will implement. Gods: The battle system for the god battle is going to be a turn base similar to pokemon were you have 4 skill to attack which you can change, you will have items as well. In this battle these going to be status aliments. Eventually Elements added to the gods which will make the resistant to different skills

The servants: The servant will be your auto system in the game. You can buy servant with souls , these servant can kill the enemys for your by you clicking a check box to activate this feature.They cant automatically kill the gods for you.But they will be able to participate in any event that requiere the player to click. In the servant hall you can summon the servant, upgrade your sevant and collect materials Servant will inherited the players attack, At first only half of the player attack but as you train them they will eventually be more stronger than you. When you enchance a servant it will increase the amount of EXP and Souls you recieve by killing monster.

Mining Inside the servant hall the player can send up servant to collect ores. Each ore collected will increase the ore lv. At the same time this will increase Mining level which will unlock other ores. Ores are going to be use for the blacksmith to craft equipments. Woodcutting Similar to mining player will send servant to collect log from trees to use for crafting purposes. Gathering similar to mining player can send servants to collect different herb that are going to be use for alchemist to create potions and other useful items.

All of this system have a level system.

Prestige System: The game will not have a typical prestige/rebirth system when you restar your level to gain permant buff. Instead each adquire soul will boost your stats by 0.1% (this could change). Meaning that buying something will decrease the boost but will add a permanets ability or function.

Player: The player is going to have the following stats Attack , defense, amount of servant , amount of souls , mp and hp , ect. Active skills are skill only use for turn base battle. Passive Skill are going to affect the clicking part of the game as well as the gods battler.Ex: --Increase soul gain, exp gain, attack , defense , lower price of servant, boss dmg, gods damage, resistants to aliments, hp increases, ect. I will like to implement a class base system for the player where different classes will have different skills. Classes: The player is going to be able to choose from different classes. Each class will have a set of skill that the player can adquiere. The player will only be able to equip two classes at the same time but only main 1. Meaning he can only gain experience for the class that is the player primary job. Each class will requiere a pre-requisite of another class to be able to be unlock. To achieve that you will need to level up your class level. Class experience can be gain by killing monster while equiping the class(low exp base) by killing guardians(medium exp base) and by killing gods( high exp base).

Weapons and equimpents Via the blacksmith you can smith weapond and armor using the mineral adquieres. Each weapon will have a weapon path that you can upgrade similar to Monster Hunter. The material needed will be the material gain from the servant hall. Events: These event are going to be speacial floor with speacil monster providing extra amount of experience or souls depend on the events. Other event Im going to add is speacil skill events were only defeting a special god you can adquiere those skills.

Dungeons: In the dungeons you will have the chance to battle the gods after you have defeat them the first time.The gods will have infinite hp. The amount of damage will be calculated and provide rewards.

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