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Dimensional Survivors 3D!View game page

A 3D Vampire Survivors style FPS (GDTV '23 gamejam entry)
Submitted by christh — 6 minutes, 56 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 33 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Unity FPS Microgame, Dungeon Mason free assets, Scott Buckley Race the Sun mp3

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This is great! I wish I'd been aware of it during the review period. It's super impressive how much you got done in such a limited time, you even put in a sensitivity slider which I failed to do.

One way to avoid the "WebGL camera weirdness" for Firefox is to set your Embed Options to 'Click to launch in fullscreen' or at least that worked for me. It may not be ideal but it's a quick fix.


Thank you Satinel, and thanks for the tip! Yeah it's a shame - even finding the time to review 50 games (and that's a big ask) would only scratch 5% of the submissions!! I might suggest to the GDTV guys to extend the review period for next time or to encourage further (unofficial) review cycles or showcases... The latter could be down to us in the discord 'community' to arrange I guess :)


I really enjoyed this game. I was planning on not rating any more games just because I already started on another game jam. But I saw the screenshots for this and I thought it looked interesting. Unfortunately, when I started playing, the performance was not great. I wasn't really enjoying it because it was so difficult to control at like 10 frames a second...

Fortunately! I found out the game performs better when not in full screen mode! So I did get to complete the game and I got to the end. I would say I would've loved to see an unlimited mode. Idk if there is one. There's only like 6 minutes left for voting so I wanted to get this out before the time ended. Really great game. One of my favorites from the jam :). I thought the models were really good too! Very satisfying to play :)


Thank you so much, really appreciate it :) This was my first 3D game.

I was worried a bit about performance as the last two years' GDTVs I was using onboard graphics, but I finally got a GPU last August. Actually I spent most of last Saturday working on the performance, as hundreds of enemies with all the Unity FPS Microgame components on them did not run well (navmesh agents firing several raycasts every update and other horrors).

An unlimited mode is a great idea. I'm going to add in more fun stuff to try and capture more of the VS magic, like 1) more interesting weapons 2) better passive items 3) all that lovely meta: unlockables and 4) all the missing juice... I haven't got a clue about 3D rendering so the art style might change radically to pixel art (I was going to go down this route initially but had 0 time to do art..!)

Thanks again!


Not a big fan of FPS, but loved the use of the rear view! Really adds to the game since it’s not in third person. Great job for such a short development time!


Fun! I'm not a survival shooter aficionado, but I enjoyed this and found the simple controls appealing. Of course I ran off the map at one point, so maybe some kind of visual cue to let you know you're nearing the edge would be cool. Nice work!


Ah, finally someone found the edge of the map :) (and told me at least). The game starts glitching big-time around there as the navmesh agents are spawned outside the navmesh. Sorry about that, world needed to be bigger but forgot to do it! Hope you enjoyed it regardless.


Haha I'm honored. Yeah I could see the edge coming but also saw more enemies floating in the distance, so I thought I'd just got for it and see what happened. Not a big deal for a jam, I'd say.


Very fun game!
For me just the most important upgrad in these types of game is missing - the increase pick up radius!^^thats one upgrade I always use and unless I got very unlucky you didn't add it yet...
But then again I feel almost like you took serious sam to its logical conclusion xD


Thank you! Ahhh, you can probably tell which Boomer Shooters I love :) Imagine a few beheaded bombers peeling up behind you on the rear view mirror :)

You are quite right with the magnet upgrade - wish I'd had the time to implement it. Thinking about it I could probably do it in 15 minutes, just another collider on the pickups that makes them move towards the player on collision. Funny how those 15 minute new features have to be dropped in the heat of deadline day :D


I would have never thought a "survivors" type game would work in first person but you managed it really well. The rear view camera was a brilliant idea since there are always gonna be swarms of enemies behind you, and the wormhole sprint was perfect for getting out of tight situations. I had a blast playing it!


Great job for 2 days of work!


Thank you! I used the Unity FPS Starter as a basis, but obviously using all the guns at once on autofire needed a lil bit of refactoring (e.g. hacking it to bits)


its really fun and addictive. good job for completing the game.


I did not know that I would need a rearview mirror in a first person shooter but I deem it a necessity in this type of game. Fun, Fast Paced action with a bunch of different enemy types. Currently the only reason for the jump/jetpack it collect health packs so you could either add an enemy whos attacks can only be avoided by jumping or some obstacles around the map. 

Great Job!  


Hehe nice survivor game. But what made Vampire survivor's great is that you could played it with one hand and have a sandwich in the other ;)


Hahaha thanks, and you are exactly right. I'd initially thought to remove the mouseaim aspect and have the player's weapons automatically seek out the nearest enemy, but not sure how that'd quite work in 3D - probably a minimap would be required.


The gameplay is fun, you captured what make Vampire survivor-type game fun really well. Thanks for the rear view, I needed it.
In my first playthrough, the enemy stop spawning at 997/1000. There is also this one immortal slime who spawned in that playthrough.
Don't know what jumping is used for. The game is pleasing in both visual and audio.

Overall, great game.


Cool game. Loved the music and the addition of the rear view camera.


Great game! I had a lot of fun playing it. I would work on the enemy spawning, as it is very hard to avoid them if they spawn behind you


Thanks Joaken. Yes, there's a bug hiding there I think, where if an enemy spawns too close to another it will get 'bumped' closer to the player (every enemy is supposed to spawn 50 Unity units away on the edge of a sphere). Makes the game a bit less 'relaxing' than I'd aimed for.


Nice take on the Survivors trend. The addition of a Rear View was a nice touch and generous to the player. 


Cool game! I am admittedly not very good at FPS type games so I didn't win, but I still had fun. Difficulty settings with slower enemy spawn rate and more healing items would be a plus for FPS noobs like me. :) Nice work, though!


Admittedly, I'm kind of glad that there was a kill target to end the game, otherwise, I'd probably be playing this all night, and there are still games I want to check out! :P

That was a pretty fun implementation of the VS genre with an FPS. That launcher is a killer, and I was happy to have that rear mirror.

The only other wish I had was for one of those pickups from VS that makes you suck up all the orbs! Really, though, the colourful look of the game, the heroic music, and the fun gameplay made this a satisfying entry.


Thanks Porkrind, I slipped my game to a buddy and he got me playing it again. Was trying to see if a shotgun only run was viable - seemed to be, although the mob turns into a blob that runs over itself and is pretty horrific. Launcher too imba :) But I always prefer to improve underpowered things than nerf things.

Re: sucking up the orbs, that would be cool and I did have that in mind. Though unfortunately Unity 3D doesn't have the cool Point Effector 2D, which I missed a lot - both my previous GDTV Gamejam entries have used those to slurp up nearby coins / XP.


Great submission! Keep building on this. I tried ticking the invicibility option, but it wasn’t working for me so the mob of villans got the better of me. LOL. Really great foundation!


Thank you, yes I somehow broke the invincibility... Just took a look and it was a really simple fix, doh. The ending's not exciting but if you fancy seeing more of the game I have fixed that function and uploaded a new build.

Tip: grabbing the launcher upgrade tends to take care of things (on refIection I set the splash damage / distance a little bit too high)


Very fun game and a great difficulty curve. At first it feels like you have everything under control and then it feels like you're going to be overwhelmed just as you start getting upgrades and becoming strong. I wish the music was a touch louder (or customizable), but everything else was great!


Thank you, Samm! I've upped the music from -4dB to 0dB in the latest build. I agree it deserves to be played loud as the it s wonderfully over the top :)


This reminds me of my other spare time project, so I really like this. Awesome work.


A fun game, good job!

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