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A member registered Jun 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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A fantasic puzzle game with a simple concept and a lot of depth. I was pleasantly surprised by the variety of challenges presented. Great work!

If I had more time I would have liked to smooth out the difficulty atleast for the first few rounds or so.  Thank you for playing!

Great work for a first time submission! I am a big fan of the misdirection in the into. A little short like my mother but good stuff!

I was rushing near the end and one of the last things I did was make the start screen. I 100 percent agree about the wonky hitbox for the button. I was also going to have  different intro music play before the game started.  My jam partner got suplexed into next week after the first few days of the jam and was made humble by the monster known as life so this mostly ended up being a solo project. Thank you for the valuable feedback and taking the time to play and rate my game. :)

It should display a current highscore and your overall best highscore.  I'll check into it and give it a fix. Thanks for playing!

You have got to make every bullet count! Very well done with both the gameplay loop and aesthetics

I do like the combat and the aesthetics are great. I do wish the fire button and dash buttons where tied to a different button that would use the right hand. You could use the mouse buttons or perhaps the enter button.(not changing the aiming mechanic , just button placement) but Overall very nice!.

I punted my lemonade  cart into a wall and immediately got run over by a car 10/10

Knocked over the credits pin by accident and assumed that was the end of the game at first.  Great work!

Very neat! I didn't make it into the top leaderboard, but I was close!

The key to victory for me was spamming bombs. Good work on getting something playable submitted!  

Adorable and goofy. Well polished and fun. Great work!

I couldn't get approval to join or find the medicine that was dropped by the villager.  Good work!

nooo my hats! I had six before I was cut down. Simple game play that is well polished with great art. Fantastic work!

Very nice! I made it to $480 before I got greedy and was trapped by a bomb. 

The interactions of the characters made me chuckle. Short and sweet, good work!

A solid base that shows some potential. I loved the particle effects for blowing up enemies but as you get to the higher levels it starts to obscure the screen a little. I made it to level 11 before getting shot down. Good Job!

The people talking gave me hollow knight flashbacks and the intro story was great. Good work!

I tried face-rolling my keyboard to be granted permanent immunity but did way worse then just timing my slashes.  Good job!

simple mechanics with a gameplay loop that is not super punishing when you fail. Great work!

(1 edit)

I am a big fan of what I assume are floating and dancing sheep. It took me a second to figure out how to go up and down but after that it was smooth sailing. Good work!

Here is mine as wel : I'll start playing and rating from the top until I clear the list/.

Neat story and very atmospheric. Keep up the good work!

It turns out friendly fire is thing and I totally didn't accidently blow up my ship. Good work!

Really neat! I wanted to spend time reading the diary but it doesn't stop you from getting hungry or thirsty so I just skimmed it . Big fan of the style and theme was not point. Great work!

Oh no, random crashing is not cool. Do you remember any specifics of when it happened? Also, thanks for playing :)

Neat concept that was easy to get into. Great art and style.  I wish there was a few more mechanics to enhance the gameplay in later levels. Very Nice! 

Like a  baby seal at a whaling convention, I was suddenly clubbed over the head with misdirects and new mechanics! Great art, writing and music Who ever decided to add a map for the vent section is my hero! I had a lot of fun with this one, Great work!

I would have loved some looney-toons mid air jumping ability when walking off a ledge to dispatch the abject horror I felt when one of my triangle fellows decided that jumping off the platform was too hard and falling all the way to the bottom of the level was a much better game plan. The music, especially when switching sides was fantastic along with theme implementation and core level design. A fantastic entry, Great work! 

Mechanically unique and I had to force myself to jump to the beat after walking off a few ledges. 

Very well done!

Movement mechanics are neat and challenging with some nice visual elements as well. Dying in one hit is punishing but the level isn't that large so its not that much of a setback. I would have liked some background music during game play but as it is in development you can always add that later. A Good  start, nice work!

interesting concept, I do wish that the player had a few more movement options like a dash so squeeze past the guards or make it over some long gaps. perhaps a power up that temporarily makes you younger or old that the player can use to make it through certain areas. Great work!

Very big fan of superluminal so I was pleasantly surprised with this entry.  Great use of mechanics for the jam and I did have a bunch of fun! It defiantly feels like something you would find on the old PlayStation. Great work!

Fun little card game with some unique mechanics. I lost my first match but made it all the way to the end on my second try. Great work!

Polished feel and a great start to what could be a very interesting RPG!

A bit on the hard side but I enjoyed it. I was a little confused on how the D key worked the best for me. 

Neat game with some solid graphics and a unique theme interpretation. I would have enjoyed a few more sound effects but overall very nice.

Funny writing with a game that is short, sweet and simple.  Very on theme but could have used a few more sound effects or new music of the second level to spice things up. Good Work!

Really neat concept for scaling the blocks and I also enjoyed the music selection and graphics. The blocks dropped a little fast for my liking but I am also bad at Tetris so that tracks. Sometimes blocks would clear when it didn't look like they where lined up but other that that great work!

Very cool visuals and intro animation! Jumping was a little clunky near then end of the game because the collision of the branches and the mushrooms are so close together. I am a big fan of the jump into pill ball launch. Very impressive, Hopefully you continue fleshing the game out.