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A member registered Jun 19, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much! Agreed, I would have liked to improve how equipment works in the game. Sounds like I need to do some more testing

What a stunning little story. Beautiful visuals and thought provoking. The flow between areas and memories is nicely done as well.


Looks about right! I'm trying to figure out how to allow the player to go wherever they want but also push them in the direction of key objectives. I think I still have a ways to go till I get it right! Thanks for checking it out. It's great to be able to watch others play it!

Nice little challenge. I think the highest a got to was 50. It's pretty tough, but fun to try to find was to better manage it when multiple enemies are coming at you. The art looked nice as well.  It would be cool if there was some sort of bonus or power up the help you when you're in a tough spot. Nice work!

Very faithful adaptation of the classic for the jam! It played very well. The only thing I wish was for a bit more of a challenge curve. It didn't feel like there was a need to use the Last Stand move because I could keep it relatively clear.  The scoring was nice though. I think I got to about 3800, but had to call it there.

Woah, crazy how many puzzles you were able to put together! I really liked how the environment connected and reacted to the puzzles being solved. I had a bit of trouble figuring where to go after the first few were solved, but then I realized there were multiple towers surrounding the main one. 
I completed all the outside puzzles, but once I made it inside, my laptop really started to struggle.  I got through the first couple puzzles inside, but received a fatal error. I don't think Unreal likes my laptop.

I was really hoping to get the end, but alas it wasn't meant to be. The variation and progression of the puzzles was nicely spread out. Nicely put together.

(1 edit)

Cool sequence of events! I liked the progression and  being able to nuke it's ass in the end.  The cutscenes and voice acting in between were also well done.

Very sharp looking game! The variety of enemies and how you have to deal with them is really cool, as well as the upgrades. My laptop had a bit of slowdown. Might be interesting to see how it runs in an exe as well. 

One strange bug I ran into is at the beginning when says "Click to Start", sometimes after the game loads,  the direction that the player fires is different than the crosshair position, but if I leave my mouse absolutely still after clicking to start, it's usually pretty centered.

There was a lot of cool stuff in this. I felt like my skill improved every round along side getting upgrades, which made the overall experience very satisfying. I also liked the art style combined with the sound of dread. Having a silhouette for the main character was a nice tough.

What a neat idea. I really like how the trap system works, but the sound effects are what take the cake! The pixel art was also spot on. Nicely done!

Really cool! Seems like you've built a solid base for a tactics game. Having that intro dialogue flow into the battle made me feel such nostalgic for FFT. The map and the character designs were also nice, and the whole thing felt very cohesive. 
Something that would be nice to see is the attack radius of each character's attack rather than just showing which enemies they can reach, though I know there's only so much that can be done in 10 days.  Definitely would have been down to play some more rounds!

Thanks for the thoughtful comments! Completely agree about the darkness and the dialogue aspects.  That dialogue piece has been on my fix list forever. I did find that the web version is somehow darker than the windows version, though I'm considering adding some extra ambient lighting to the choral to balance things out.

What was the button for rotating? I must have completely missed it. Would love to play again

Having that feedback section at the end of the game is such a good way to do it. I think I'll have to give that a go next time around.

Thanks! Yeah,  before the waviness, even the bubbles didn't give it the feel I was hoping for. I'll check out that area.  I wouldn't be surprised if there's some terrain that isn't up to snuff in some areas.

I probably should have clarified that the bandages are specifically for bleeding, but they don't restore health. Though in hindsight, it probably would have been nice for a little bump in health with those.
Thanks so much for your feedback. This was my first time trying to create in-game events like this and really made me appreciate the amount of time it takes to script events in full-sized games.

Man, that was really fun. From the title screen, you're already getting a player to figure things out, which is pretty cool. Got the final challenge on the first try (by pure luck of course)!

Regarding some of your questions:

1) What if you had some sort of ice cube that would melt in the right condition. Or possibly an object that explodes on collision.

2) I think it would be great to see a visual version of the transform controls. I know that probably would have been a lot of extra stuff for a jam, but being able to drag a rotation and scale would simplify controls a bit I think.

3) Every round, you introduced a new dynamic or challenge to the game. I think if you were to expand upon this, I would give a little breathing room between each new challenge introduced by having a second challenge similar in components to the previous. That also breaks up some of the tutorial text.

Thank you! I tend to focus too much on atmosphere, so I'm glad it's paying off

Thanks a lot. Ended up working on a lot of optimizations this week instead of fixing up the ending because there are definitely areas that can chug. Every day it gets a little smoother.

Thanks! I'm still working out the "Final showdown", but there's still a few oddities to work out. Also very tempted to expand on this and turn it into something larger.

I've been thinking, it would be interesting to have a thread for people who would like some targeted feedback about certain aspects of their game. I definitely feel like it's hard to gauge how well certain mechanics and other things worked for people, so I would be interested in hearing your opinions. 

I'll also do the same for as many as possible in this thread!

Here's a few areas I was curious about for mine

- What (if any) did you find confusing about the objectives / progression?

- Was there anything that you found too easy or hard?

- Favourite moment?

There was something really cool about this game. The combination of the kind of creepy music, the lack of visibility and the way the aliens moved all made for a great experience. Definitely had to cheese it in the last few waves by sticking to the 4-way crossing. Is the wave 10 the final one? Felt like i was going on that one for a while (I think I had about 280)

I liked the dynamic voice updates and it felt good blasting the hundreds of ships! I survived until wave 4 the first time, but the second and third time I played it wouldn't let me progress past wave 2. Regardless, that was a really time!

The movement and the animation of the characters felt good. I liked the addition of the lock-on. It did make the camera  a little funny occasionally, but turning off lockon usually fixed that. Wish I had a game pad to try it the proper way!

Ah! They always get me in the end. Hilarious premise, though I wish I could aim in other directions. Kudos for getting into Godot! I've found the 2D stuff really promising!

That was a cool little surprise at the beginning and I thought the matrix-y walls made for a crazy exciting energy alongside the music and enemy designs. Something was really hurting my laptop through. Wish I could play on my main desktop, but I had to pack that away. So yeah, got some crazy choppiness after a while. Still had a good time while I could.!

That was cool!  I found it engaging to keep going even though I died a lot.  I like the colour choice and general art style as well.

I did have some trouble with the upgrade station a couple times where I would press the button when I had the right amount  of $, but it wouldn't bring up the upgrade screen and then I'd die. It seemed to happen on the 2nd or 3rd upgrade of each run.

What a cool idea. I like the idea that you choose your positioning. Also, the concept of these little guys willing to swim across and single-handedly take on your castle is kind of terrifying. It was a struggle to run on my laptop since I don't have a proper graphics card, but luckily that didn't matter too much for the style of game it is.  I was also wondering about rotating the walls, but it looks like you covered that in another comment. I wasn't able to progress very far mainly because I couldn't close off the walls properly, but maybe there's a better strategy

Very cool. I liked the compact arena and that it forces you to move to different areas to reload ammo. The art also had a simplicity that worked super well. 

When I saw there was a game about a taco stand I had to check it out. I was not disappointed! I didn't expect to be hunting aliens in a taco truck. That was pretty fun

(2 edits)

That was a fun idea and lots of content! The first area is a bit  slow - I wish I had bought a permit earlier because that's when the hectic fun & money starts ramping up! Then I was getting all sorts of ingredients and crazy customers.  Nice job!

Edit: meant to say, I loved the sound design too. That ketchup squirt is great lol

Man, that was tough but fun! I think there's a lot of cool stuff in here, and  a little more balancing would go a long way! The variety of enemies was interesting, but felt like I wasn't getting enough power ups to handle it, but maybe that's the point :D

Nicely done! I liked the variety of characters. I did find the first 20 or so waves a little slow, but after that it really becomes a fun challenge.

That was a tough and claustrophobic game, in a good way :) It was cool to get upgrades between waves and felt pretty frantic keeping up with everything. I like the art design too. very cool little characters.

I'm down to check some of these out.

Here's mine!

Cool idea for clearing the enemies. There was an intense moment where I thought I wouldn't made it in the middle. Though I cleared all the enemies before I got to the last 2 or 3 matching sections. Might be worth having some spawn after each spot is cleared.  Nice work!

Very fun and colourful style to everything. The jumping was a little hard to get used to, but soon I was having a good time smacking them all around.  Sadly I couldn't beat it. There were 5 left, but I couldn't find them.  

Very unique and striking art! The nectar mechanic was a cool idea for unlocking things. The controls were a challenge in a good way

Very fun and addicting package.  The ship combat and effects were satisfying. I was always so tempted to go out and explore, but knew my duty as a pirate was to take down the pesky do-gooders.

I didn't have a touch screen so I used mouse controls, and it was actually a pretty fun way to play. Nicely done!