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A member registered May 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you! : )

Thank you! I really appreciate the kind words!

Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it even if you didn’t do great. : )

And I’m glad you enjoyed the high risk reward as well! 

This is so well made and so well thought out. I can easily see this turning into something full-fledged on steam or something similar. The art style, the movement, mechanics and everything all works so well. Nothing bad to say, loved it all! 

I love the music and sound effects. The atmosphere of this feels so good. It's a little difficult to get used to actually jumping where there isn't anything, but I think you've handled it really well in this game. I'm not usually a big platformer, but I was having a really good time with this one! 

Very cool concept and very well implemented. The design of both of the characters is really fun and I love how they're displayed on the screen. The difficulty felt appropriate and I loved the overall vibe of the game. : )

I really enjoyed this. I like the jumping back and forth between the peaceful planting and the defending of the crops. I wish there were a little bit better hit registration so I could know when I actually hit the enemies, but the weapon animations look wonderful. 

The only weird thing that I don't see mentioned below is I had trouble with the walking with WASD. For some reason, when I would try to walk a direction, he would only take a single step, so I had to use my controller for movement while using the keyboard for everything else. It appears to be a "me" issue, but it was a strange bug. I was able to enjoy the game even with that and think you did a wonderful job!

I really like the music choice and the overall visuals. The game looks really good. I think the turning is a little too hard at the moment as I found myself overshoot what I wanted to frequently, but I really enjoyed running around and capturing the birds. Very interesting mechanic!

Thank you so much for the kind words, I'm really glad you had a good time! I have a good list of things to improve the game a bit and better hit registration (both enemy and player) are high up there.  : )

I'm glad you tried out the endless mode. It was originally planned, but I wasn't able to actually implement it until super late, so I'm glad someone enjoyed it. And they will absolutely demolish you if you don't watch out - I've seen it too many times myself in testing! : )

Autofire will be coming in the first update post-jam. That was a suggestion from quite a few people that I didn't even consider during development, but just makes so much sense! Thank you so much for the kind words and suggestions! 

Thank you, I'm glad you had a good time!

As of now, the only reason for the swap is to deal more damage, but I do plan on adding some other reasons to swap back and forth (potentially only healing in your dimension was considered, but I ran out of time).

Thank you!

Thank you! The enemies do follow you by design, the only reasons as it is right now is to either take less damage or deal more damage. I do plan on adding some additional reasons to swap post-jam. : )

Thank you! I'm glad you had a good time and the player felt good to control. The missing shots is one of the things on the top of my list after the rating period ends. 

And thank you for the feedback! I wanted a sound and landed on that, but I think I do agree, it needs something a little better to go with it.

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it and I really appreciate the kind words; it means a lot!

Some particle effects and better / more appropriate sound work was on the menu, but I've never worked with particles and ran out of time to learn about them before the due date. : )

Thanks everyone! I think I’ll probably end up making the changes and leaving the gamejam version up for download, but having the playable game be the updated version. I really appreciate the input from everyone. : )

Very fun game to spend a few minutes playing around on. You've done a good job with this one. I enjoy the art style quite a bit.

Brilliant. You nailed the vibe of just chilling through life and made a fun interesting platformer with a super interesting twist to it. So well done; I can't wait to see what else you create. : )

This is so well done. Such a cool concept for a game and the switch is implemented so intuitively. The music and sound design is another portion of this game that are great, the sounds while switching dimensions just feel "right". Very well done! 

Thank you! Glad you had a good time!

Glad you were able to save the world and had fun! 

Thanks for letting me know - I originally intended it to be a click on shoot, but I didn't even notice the cast CD trigger was showing it go off if you held it. I'm intending on making it hold to fire anyway, but it's good to know about! 

Thank you for the kind words! Atm, no, there’s no drawback to being in the normal dimension. You get increased damage in the monster’s dimension, so you can wipe out the waves faster, but giving reasons to swap is on the list. 
And no worries, auto fire is 3rd after two bug fixes. : ) 

Hi thank you for the feedback! Yes, currently the damage is just higher - I was going to add more reasons to jump back and forth, but just ran out of time doing other portions of the game. : )

I really like the shadows and lighting that you've done as well as the design of the main character. I was not expecting to be able to scale the walls that way, so that was a nice surprise! Well done! 

(1 edit)

I think this is a great start to something neat. I wish there was a little bit more to do in the shadow dimension other than just killing the enemies, but the controls feel good. I do think you could make sure that the attack hitbox on your player's attack only fire once she gets through her swing. At the moment you can just spam the attack button and it just resets your attack. 

The background looks wonderful as well!

I had a fun time playing! 

Very interesting concept and well executed! I wish there was a little bit more to do in the non-daydream world, but the daydream dimension was a blast to play in. You've done the endless shooter very well! 

I like the graphics, character designs, and the control of the character, but I wasn't able to understand the mechanics. I think a proper tutorial would help, because I wanted to continue going, but I wasn't sure what each system did. 

Hi, I've gotten some great feedback over the last few days on how to improve my game from the jam and I would like to make some updates post-jam rating period. 

This is my first game jam, so I just don't know the etiquette of what to do post-jam with updates. Should I leave up the jam version as it's own separate game and create a new game with the feedback and improvements? Or would it be better to just still offer the jam version as a download on the game page and update the game page itself? 

Very cool game. I really enjoyed the way each enemy had a character they wanted you to be and the swapping between characters felt really smooth.

Very neat concept; having each version only able to do one thing is super interesting and allows each to shine. 

I enjoyed the dual artwork as well.

Only minor complaint is you can just spam the fire button and then you don't have to worry about the bottom dimension at all. Great job! 

I think this is a great start to something neat! I wish the controls were a bit easier in the top down mode as I found the player hard to control and it was hard to tell how much damage I was doing to the enemies. Nice job! 

The dinos are super cute! I really enjoy the jump sound effect and everything. I saw it a bit below, but I do wish the things that damaged you had a glow or something to draw attention to them a bit better as it is difficult to focus on both screens and both characters at the same time. 

Loved it! 

The music is great, the feel of driving around is wonderful, the city looks wonderful. I think it would be nice to have an arrow or something pointing to the location in the overworld, so you don't have to just watch the mini map so intently. Another improvement could be having it be clearer when the next order is going to start. Sometimes it felt like the order would start right after the last, other times it wouldn't start until I actually dropped off a pizza.

Either way, this game was so much fun, drifting around to the synth music is a blast! 

Brilliant game! I really enjoy the artwork and music  and theme you have here. The concept is super interesting - I did find it a bit difficult to actually control the bottom character, but other than that, absolutely wonderful! 

I really enjoyed the art and music choices in this one. The game was fun to play, but difficult to master. It does take a little bit to get the controls right! Good job!

I’m all caught up here if anyone else has any games they need rated, please leave them below! 

I love a boss rush game. The player's attack feels a tiny bit too slow and the first boss should have either a little more wind up or you should have just a little more movement speed to be able to get out of the overhead attack. 

Nicely done, though! Great bosses are always fun to play against! 

Fun game, the character art and sound design really work together in this one to make a coherent experience. 

I really like the mechanic of throwing the light to lighten up the path and do some platforming; I think you could turn this into something full fledged! Keep it up! 

The VO work is top notch - it sounds great with the effects as well. 

I love the art work, the animation, and the shifting animation looks amazing. You've nailed the atmosphere with the artwork, music, and sound effects. 

The gameplay is fun and engaging, the only thing I wish was a bit different was that you didn't require 100% to become a skeleton again. It might have been a specific choice, but I would rather be able to swap at like 80+% so if you mess up a wall jump or something you don't need to backtrack as much to collect the powerups! Very fun game!