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A jam submission

Arrow’s NexusView game page

Unleash the Arrow, Shift the World!
Submitted by Veras Studios (@Veras_Studios), jberryvo, PhantomSauceVA (@phantomsaucetv), AnnRichter, SuperKit10 — 3 hours, 33 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 75 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Did you use any existing assets? If so, list them below.
Mixamo (Character Models, Animations), Pirate Tavern (Unity Asset Store), Fence Concrete V1 ( Unity Asset Store), Fantasy House Exterior (Unity Asset Store), Stylized Fantasy House (Unity Asset Store), FREE Fantasy Terrain Texture (Unity Asset Store), Mobile Wooden Fences (Unity Asset Store), A Piece of Nature (Unity Asset Store), Fantasy Landscape (Unity Asset Store), Fantasy Forest Environment - Free Demo (Unity Asset Store)

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The Fae dude hiding the machine gun cracked me up, and the OTT voice acting was absolutely on point. I can tell you had a lot of fun making this one.

So I kicked off by getting completely killed by the first ogre but then got handy with headshotting and things went pretty well from there.

I was kinda relieved that the new enemies on level two didn't outrange me. I think I wished they were a bit scarier though.

Really good entry, congrats all!


Thanks! Yeah the machine gun bit was my favorite from that little scene. I was trying to balance the soldiers to be easier to kill since they had larger fields of view but I think I might have made them too easy but I’m glad you enjoyed the game :)


Now the heat of the gamejam and review period is behind us... I think you got robbed on the 'fun' rating (and I can feel that as mine was lower than I expected). I thought the bow mechanic was EXCELLENT, had a lot of work put in and you could definitely build a game around that alone.

Blending that fun shooting mechanic with the nudge-nudge-wink-wink fantasy bits and I reckon you'd have a winner.


Thanks! I actually thought your game was really great too. I actually made a youtube video featuring one of your games as well

Nice level building! And great cinematics and animations, amazing job on that side! The gameplay really needs some rethinking though, the fact that you need to press a button to extract your bow doesn't make much sense, since there's no point of not having it in hand, you're just fighting. Also, there is no way to avoid enemies after you hit them, they'll just charge you and you have a... bow :D it feels like rpg combat in an action game. Overall, nice done!


Thank you yeah. I was thinking it would be cool to have more stealth mechanics but I ended up making it, that you run faster without the bow so you can outrun enemies. But yeah I would probably add more mechanics if I continue on with this project. Glad you liked it :)


Such polish! Great use of free assets, I didn't see many FPS games in this competition but this one was one of the best. Really liked the dialogues, felt like professional actors.

Well done!


Yeah I agree all the voice actors did a really good job. Thanks!


This was great for 10 days. I would definitely play a full title of this


I’m waiting to see the results of the jam to see if I want to continue this project. But if it’s good I’ll probably put more time into this game. Sorry, i thought I sent this already sorry for late reply


I really enjoyied your game, it is damn fun!!! Also the aiming system is really cool and the fact you did even add a cutscene is amazing!
Good Job!!
Also if you want i would really appreciate if you would play and rate my game too


Thanks! I’m glad you thought my game was fun :). I tried playing your game but the web build didn’t have an expand button or anything so I couldn’t start it


You can try the native version! Also if you play the game on Chrome it works correctly


Great game! It was little confusing at first but there is a good explantion for everything. I liked the use of assets and the way you build the game world, it looks amazing.


ty :)


This is really impressive! The bow mechanic felt so satisfying and fun and the animations blew me away. The cutscene direction and voice acting was also really cool. You got a legit chuckle out of me with the "life in two dimensions" camera look gag.


Glad you thought it was funny :). I was worried that the jokes wouldn’t land, I was really hoping on the rifle visual gag cracking people up but a lot of people also mention that moment too. All animations from Mixamo great site!


WOW! that Voice acting though! I was hooked!
Then I tried to shift dimension, clipped through a modern street (probably the other dimension) and fell endlessly into my death). it's a shame


Thank you! I thought the voice actors all did a great job. Strange that that happened to you. It was probably a barrier that shot you through the bottom of the terrain. I will look for better implementation of dimension shifting if I continue with the project :). You didn’t miss much though that was the last level :)


Very nicely game.  Really liked dialogues/cutscene and fast forward future dimension :) Good job.


Ty :)


Love it when people add voice acting to their jam games. It has so much personality. Cutscenes were really cool. Nice work!


Thank you! Yeah I think the voice actors all did a really good job :)


This was pretty hilarious, especially when goat guy turns and looks at the camera and says, "A life in TWO DIMENSIONS!" Well done!

Mechanics were pretty good once I figured out that I had to hold the mouse button down to power up my arrow. I really enjoyed this. Good approach to the game jam theme.

Game has a high difficulty and it's hard to pass the first level let alone the second, but still thoroughly enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks! I've been thinking about ways to adjust the difficulty if I continue with this project. Definitely adding a way to adjust enemy health to vary the difficulty, I think that would help a lot. Glad you enjoyed the game :)


Yeah, I'm learning that people need easy levels in this game jam. I've had way to many people bounce off level 4 when I have 12 levels.


Well, that was pretty cool. I really liked the bow and arrow mechanic. Maybe the enemies could also get alerted even if you missed but an arrow landed close? You have something good to continue working on!


Ty yeah, that was a mechanic I was wanting to add if I had more time but ran out of time at the end of the jam :O


It looks good! I couldn't proceed cuz I only have trackpad (can't rightclick and leftclick simultaneously) but it looks good from what I see


Thank you I appreciate it. Yeah definitely not a trackpad friendly game :(


A great game. Love the voices and the aim/fire mechanics


Thank you very much!


Let me start by saying I love bow combat. The game was short but included one of the most important aspects, witch is head shots do more damage. I do like that they had an option to stash the bow, but without a gameplay mechanic to support it, it was more of a liability instead of something that you wanted or needed to do. (IE, you could stash your bow while crouching to deal extra damage or sneak past enemies that would normal detect you) I do wish that it would have a different aiming recital as displaying the arc of the arrow made it very easy to constantly get head shots without much thought of the player accounting for arrow drop but very well done indeed!


Yeah, I did want to incorporate more stealth mechanics but just didn't have the time to get around to it. Lots of good feedback thank you for leaving your throughs! I'm glad you liked the game! :)


Ooh, this was so fun! I especially loved the voice acting and the cutscene - it was so cute!! This really feels like it could be developed into a full game with little side quests and everything! Actually, I'd be really interested to see where the story goes from here, haha~ Sometimes the world felt a bit empty, especially when going from place to place, but given the time constraints of the jam, you guys did great! I loved it! ^^


Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked the voice acting and the cutscene. And yeah definitely will want to add more and polish after the game jam if I continue with it :)


That's a cool game right there!  Like the bow drawing and aiming mechanism.  Could have done with some way to replenish health but a nice concept, well done.


Lol yeah, while watching some people play, I noticed they tried to get some of the glowing mushrooms on the ground thinking it would heal them. I don't think that's a bad idea. Glad you thought the game was cool!


That's a cool game right there!  Like the bow drawing and aiming mechanism.  Could have done with some way to replenish health but a nice concept, well done.


Pretty impressive game!. I would like to have some kind of secundary weapon, I belive it was intended since the bow is binded to 1. I felt the camera was to much to the side, causing blind spots, was that intentional?. It could use some fixing on the enemy path, like them going trough fences.


Lol yeah I was having trouble with Unity's navmesh system. I don't know what the issue was with it even now. But the navmesh just wasn't working so I had to write my own pathfinding system. And I had collisions detection and avoidance on the docket if I had more time but I wasn't able to get around to it. The blind spot was not intentional. I was trying to clear the center of the screen as much as I could to make it easier to aim. But maybe Ij just pushed it off too far to the side. Definitely will add a secondary weapon if I continue with the game. Maybe the rifle 👀

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Damn, i have a gameplay fetish on bows and so on, it is just so much fun.
Great job!
Something strange happened after i tried to get into fullscreen after alt-tabing away. But it isnt a crit, just scary looking box white box. (im sorry, itch wont let me upload an error image, and ive lost it...)


Glad you liked it :). Yeah I think I've seen that before. I can't remember if I've been able to replicate it the issue myself but refreshing seems to fix it. Thank you for letting me know :)

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