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A member registered May 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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6th, not bad at all! From these first 6 I only rated 2. Imagine that...

I am sorry I didn't manage to rate your game before the end... It was something I would now be able to do.

Thank you. Indeed it is very loose :-D

Ok, slightly redesigned that, the eyes look left or right when jumping while facing the player.

I have yet to test it! :-D

Found the bug, silly me. It is fixed for the next version!

Thank you. This issue with the limits, obstacles and such has already been redesigned for the next version.

Oh! Sorry, I've just noticed the first sentence :-D

Yes, I had to end this somehow for the jam, and make it somehow relevant to the secondary theme! I had in mind getting it in a rocket and flying away. Maybe landing in the moon for some extra levels or something.

Thank you for trying again! The graphics have been improved in a newer version :-) I had similar comments. Regarding the idle animation, yes you are right. I could do it facing left or right. Or somewhat tilted to the right or left. I like it looking at me, it adds to the creepiness and that it is waiting for something (input). If I tilt it then maybe both of these will be ok.

A very good one. The handling is getting some used to, but overall a great visual and audio experience, wrapped in an interesting story.

Thank you. I tried compensating with more control schemes :-D

Thank you. I'll check the bug.

That was good in general with nice graphics and sound. I found it a little unfortunate the enemies spawning on top of you :-(

I would have also liked the movement to be on the left hand like the handheld.

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Amazing! I really liked, it it had me from the first shot and the thumbing sound it did and the particles when dissipated. Really nice details, from the animation of the gun pointing everywhere and the slide, till the particles floating around when moving. If I would suggest something, like when in the air and you shoot and you gain some momentum upwards, should be in all four directions.

As a side note, I would have liked the movement controls to be on the left side, as in the handheld.

A great one-key puzzle game. Had it some more music content it would have been perfect. The gravity change concept is the one I had in on of my games. (Or tried to have, not enough time to put a level using it.)

Well done!

Thank you. I tried "emulating" the hardware settings because of lack of time to put a Gameboy frame around and tweak stuff with the mouse...

A very nice game. You do not mention the double jump somewhere :-) I got up to a point and then I got stuck, after to the right of the dinner table.

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Yes, for example. WASD for movement and to the right hand somewhere mapped the other buttons. Not that I am a WASD junkie, I used to play a lot of DOS games always with cursor keys, but the Gameboy has the left thumb for the D-PAD, that is why.

(I have some very strange first choice  of buttons in the numeric keypad, although I offer alternatives.)

A very nice concept. Nice intense tune! Try adding some more to it.

Cool game with nice concept. Consider adding some content to make it even better!

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Great job with the physics! And I find procedural generation always cool! Missing some more music, though the success music was nice.

That is pretty unique. We usually die when crashing unto other ships, which is the case here when we are not bulling. It is cool when you line 'em up and go for multi kill!

If I may suggest, consider adding a meter to show the 'bull' cool-down, it helps with strategy, and I didn't notice if there was a mass-kill bonus, which would also be nice with some effect (sound and visual). I also have some more, if you'd like :-)

Finally, I would have liked the controls on the left like the handheld...

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Well, it is a common "combat" (decision) system in anime, so, why not?! I liked it and would never thought to use it like that. :-D Maybe other players didn't get it?..

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Thank you for playing. This is actually the pause menu at the moment, accessed anytime with [select]. It pops up at loading automatically only for the first time.

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Something is afoot here. There is the one bad guy we need to defeat, correct? Like a boss fight right from the start?  think I might have succeeded once. But I saw that the HP on the bottom just reduce randomly?

A very nice story. You worked it pretty good. It felt like an interactive narration :-)

Well, thanks for playing.

Hahaha, I meant that someone should go for it and play it, but I failed the pun :-P "go at" lol.

That was extremely fun! I had to wait 11 minutes plus till the last one quit. I would have liked some music and I really liked the intro logo shrinking and blending in the scene. That was an awesome idea.

I was a little disappointed at first if I'm being honest! I expected the agility, speed and endurance of a Xenomorph, but it was a bit slow and died with two bullets :-( Other than that, and after I played a couple of times, I found it to be quite immersive.

I really liked the way it shoots around. I would have liked some more sound though. I know, there is no sound in space, but its a game :-)

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This is a "go at this game" situation. I had to use the windows magnifier to play, but I enjoyed it. You replicated a Zelda SFx there ;-) Nice game, I really liked the gameplay and the music.

A very cool game. A solid entry. Is it me or the speed seems to be little unstable while moving?

A beautiful puzzle! It has everything an entry for GB Jam would require for first place.

Nice. I also believe that indeed the loading time is extremely slow. The sound is nice!

Great work! Amazing graphics and sound. Well done. I would have liked the movement to be on the left hand like the handheld though.

Nice and claustrophobic. Great atmosphere!

or maybe I didn't understand or try to use it? Hm, if I have time I will try again tonight :-) I'll make sure to re-read the instructions too.

Thank you for playing. The bite is an unfinished feature. In the future you will be able to bite specific tiles to make space to fit  through :-)

Strange... what about the windows downloadable version?

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An interesting concept. Unfortunately I didn't manage to fill the space correctly to see if they actually compact. There are some issues where with packing everything in, but generally I found it good.

* or if you fill a line they compact together? I didn't get that. There where some stuff actually overlapping and disappearing. I thought at first that the same objects would "collapse" on one another but I guess not.