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A member registered Jun 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yes there definately was - I picked the Pixel Art Characters Course - 2D Character Design and Animation course as my selection last year :)

They will send you an email after the gamejam is complete with a link to a form containing a list of courses you can claim. Last year it did not cover every single course, but there were quite a number of courses you could select from, so you'll find something of interest.

There were definately VR submissions last year, so I think you'll be OK. I've been playing around with VR over the past year too, so may go down this route depending on the theme.

Cheers :)

Arg - I'm at a festival for most of this,  but I'd really enjoyed joining in over the past couple of years. I think I go for it and see what I can come up with over the 3 or 4 days I have free, even if it's just to see the other entries at the end.

Sound like it's going to be a hectic time for you. Good luck on both fronts.


I was just about to post a similar message myself :) Well done everyone - I tried  my best but I only managed to try a fraction of the entries, but there were some excellent games.

A bit thanks to everyone who entered, everyone who tried my game and left kind comments, and last but not least to GameDev .TV and for hosting. 

Wow - this is totally batshit (in a great way)  - absolutely nuts - with great sound effects

A great concept - solving puzzles on the GameBoy game to solve puzzles in the "real" world, and vice versa. Well done

Nice puzzle game with a great look. I can see this being expanded to be a fun casual smart phone game. I came across an issue switching dimensions sometimes that could only be fixed by rotating and pushing space until it worked.

Thanks! Having the platforms move differently in 3D and 2D was supposed to be one of the ways to make more use of 3D, but I ran out of time to design the levels so didn't get to implement it more.

A well put together platformer. Having the platforms disappear added an extra level of challenge. 

It's a pity you didn't get more time to develop this further - I would have liked to see what you came up with

A good looking game, but I found it really difficult

A fun platformer with some great cartoony graphics

A clever idea with some really funny dialog.

A cool concept - trying to work out what was happening was half the fun.

A great platformer with a well implemented idea.

A nice platformer with cute graphics - can't go wrong with otters!

Nice submission and really love the low poly fox model.

A nice platformer

A nice platformer with great visuals a voiceover. I had the issue with the black screen for the WebGL version, but I downloaded it and that was fine.

Thanks -. I enjoyed your game too

A great game. Love the voices and the aim/fire mechanics

Thanks! Yes, it would have been good to add more puzzle elements, such as switches to turn on the moving platforms if I had the time.

A great game tackling a difficult subject. I like how the field of view is reduced as you get more down, making the game more difficult.

Thanks! I enjoyed your game as well

A nice cool game that follows the game jam theme well. I love the pics of the GameDev.TV guys on the walls :)

I ended my turn and it went to the enemies turn but never returned back to my turn. I'm not sure why - maybe one of the enemies was trying to move position but got blocked.

A nice game that has some great visuals. I did find a bug one on play where the fire button stopped working and I couldn't work out how to plant the seeds.

Great idea and well implemented with great graphics, music and SFXs. However, on my second go I just left the game play out without using any cards and the balance was held without me doing anything :)

Great idea and well implemented with great graphics, music and SFXs. However, on my second go I just left the game play out without using any cards and the balance was held without me doing anything :)

Great artwork and story. Liked that some of the choices were affected by the mood of the characters. I've only played as Caprice so far, so I'll return to try out Terrel

For some reason when I first tried the game the controls were unresponsive, but I closed and reopened the page and fortunately it worked the second time :)

For some reason when I first tried the game the controls were unresponsive, but I closed and reopened the page and fortunately it worked the second time :)

It was nice to play with to create patterns

Fantastic little game - well done all

Nice idea - pity you didn't have the time to implement the enemy movement.

A great game - really in keeping with the theme