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A member registered Dec 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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Nice game! Reminds me of one I played like 12 years ago.
If you keep going with this I would love to see the powerups as collectible and you as a player choose when to activate - without this the final boss feels like luck if you get a powerup to be able to destroy his waves...

But already rly fun!


At first I didn't get why the fruits had such inconsisten speeds and were super fast - then I realised its because my mouse is very fast and you can make nice arcs but I have to move my mouse carefully...^^

Oh boy I added in true free-web-fashion popups and bot detection - that was a mistake^^

That is such a neat idea!

I just had a bug in the second level - I had the time slowed down so to try and jump on that and I chnaged the FOV slider so its inbounds but I failed the jump and everytime I changed FOV my character got only smaller so in the end the particle effects from walking were twice as big

Be sure to check out my game before the time is up!

Yeah that time was too limited^^ thanks for playing!

I didn't really understand how you implemented the theme - 1on1 vs alien and once I killed it all was over...

But man the music and the atmosphere was thick and thrilling great job! better than some games I played and payed for!

That reminded me of Baba is you! Very nicely done!

This is such a clever concept and with the amount of work put in might be the best game of the Jam

Very well made Game and in that short time impressive!

But as others already pointed out the chest are way too strong - they dont take damage by aoe (which in later stages is basically impossible to avoid with other units) and when you upgrade them they can insta kill a lot of heroes

Thank you!

Than k you for playing and your comment

Yeah I sadly ran out of time because I couldn't work on it the last day of the Jam

Very solid idea!

I didn't get that far because the controlls were too frustrating for me - maybe slow it down a little

Doodlejump where you place the platforms - nice idea

Nicely done

But I could not tell what and where are cameras I just walked in a circle between the 3 interactables I found and killed the guard at 30%....

This is a really cool concept!

Some ideas if you tweak it after the Jam - I got to wave 8 with about 70 health - the yellow enemies have way too much hp for their speed in my opinion and I basically only use the cannon - the bow was surprisingly hard to aim - maybe turn it around that you drag towards were you want to aim - should make it easyer and the magic tower felt useless because I could not tell how much dmg it dealt and who it would attack...

But I hope you keep working on it - one of the best TD games this Jam

Thank you - it's still far from it not like yours^^

yeah I still had a whole list of missing features - also a goal and actual levels xD

Thank you very much - glad you like it

Thank you very much! I always have problems going back to my jam games^^ also because when the time is short my code start to become unreadable xD

Thank you for playing my game

Check out my game too! the base idea is very similar

Be sure to check out my game too!

Ok so there is time to improve^^

Be sure to check out my game too

At first I didn't realize you have to watch at the person with the mouse....

I like the idea - but progession is slow if you can only interact with each traveller once - why not sell beer and send them on a quest

Also they collected taxes and at the same time a Quest was finished and that bugged out the dialog system

I'm not gonna repeat to mention a bu****

but you could maybe add a grid in the background so you can see how much the character moves for each input from his mother

Thats why letting other people test your game is important - we are all here to learn. I had stuff in my other jams I was like "that is obvious" and a lot of testers said "I didn't know how to do that"...

Be sure to check out my game too!

Wow this concept is dark!

2:54min is that a good time?

Funny idea - just the third screen always bounces me right back into the second and death

My favourite part was scrolling the mouse of the table xD

Nice work!

Just one thing - I would love to be able to zoom out to view the whole map...also controlling the camera is a bit wonky

Make sure to give my game a go!

Like the idea and your effects!

I just whish I knew how many bulltes those humans need to die

Very nice idea

For me the controlls kinda killed it though - I got stuck on almost every corner - maybe you can use round hitboxes for the player - also the monster is a spawn killer

Well done game and I like the music!

Nice Concept

The controlls were a little iffy - its hard to say if it will turn the way you want

In level 2 I was like "why is he not moving and restarting all the time do I have to jump over the flag? but he never jumps it takes too long for him to charge"

Then I finally saw the spikes but since the character didn't want jump befor them...